Posts by Nitagurl 8
August 17, 2011
Well, I can honestly say that I'm sorry I have to leave. If I could squeeze $40 bucks out of my bank account I most definitely would. But I literally cannot afford it. Embarassing but true. I've learned SO MUCH from WA and won't hesitate to re-join once I get my finances back in order. I've taken everything I've learned to heart - and you better believe I'm going to be using this new knowledge to my advantage lol. But, I just wanted to thank Kyle and Carson for taking the time to help me re
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August 14, 2011
After my last blog post I recieved some major feedback and it really helped. I just wanted to let everyone know that their words of advice and encouragement helped out ALOT. I've gotten more done in a single day than I ususally would have in a week (seriously), and now I'm amped to see what I can do tomorrow.  Thanks a bunch you guys. "I love you" may be a bit much - but it's kinda close :)
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August 10, 2011
I think I have a problem. And the problem is that I'm a perfectionist. Which would explain why my website isn't "done" yet. Or why I haven't made any moves towards bringing traffic to it yet. Or why one more post would make it look "officially" complete. Or why I don't have enough time to do this, that, or the other. Or __(place excuse HERE)__. I'm a perfectionist. I originally considered that to be a blessing and not a character flaw. But my nit-pickines
July 19, 2011
I've come a long way since I first joined WA. I have finally pin-pointed a niche and am creating content for my website as we speak. The only problem is that my ideas are kind of all over the place. And after staring at my own work for so long I can't edit my site the way I would like to. My "first impression " goggles are a little foggy. So, I guess I'm asking for a favor. Would you mind checking out my website? And give me the honest-to-god truth. I want to know&
February 17, 2011
   I’ve just cleaned up my new blog ( oh, did I mention that I’ve changed my niche ) and have done all that I can with my Article Marketing campaign for the night …. so, all is well. I only wish that I could tackle my new business with a little more vigor, but my family keeps me plenty busy .   After doing some long, hard soul searching I realized that I had to change my niche.  I was originally going to market the whole “make money online” thing, and really th
February 15, 2011
I’m really glad I joined WA.  I’ve learned so much here that it’s almost scary trying to imagine my life without it. And, what’s even crazier is I can’t imagine working a regular job after this experience ever again. My mind has been so wrapped up in finding a way to make money online (and for such a long time) that I honestly don’t see a regular “9 to 5” working for me anymore.  Ever. I’ve been blessed enough to be able to stay at home with my daughter while my husb
February 13, 2011
I just finished writing this blog TWICE and the page will either spontaneously reload by itself, or ..... hell, God only knows what. Frick! 
February 10, 2011
My biggest problem so far is writing my articles. I don't know what it is but I get writers block almost every other word, and it's killing my deadline. My goal is to write 10 articles a day since my blog has almost nothing on it to read. And,I want to get out there and market it already. But, first things first....I need content. Yesterday, I spent all day writing and researching, but came up with only one article ( and i'm not that proud of it anyway). So, I really wanna st