
Last Update: February 10, 2011

My biggest problem so far is writing my articles. I don't know what it is but I get writers block almost every other word, and it's killing my deadline. My goal is to write 10 articles a day since my blog has almost nothing on it to read. And,I want to get out there and market it already. But, first things first....I need content.

Yesterday, I spent all day writing and researching, but came up with only one article ( and i'm not that proud of it anyway). So, I really wanna step up my game and plan my day accordingly. However, I have a 9 month old, staring at me as I type this, with her hands raised up above her head for me to hold her.

Wonder why I'm so distracted.... 

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nitagurl Premium
Thank you everyone! Every comment has been such a big help.
NEA03 Premium
I agree with Labman, I think the most articles I've done in one day was 6 or 7. Can you get a babysitter? I totally understand you there, my 1 yr old does the same and likes to sit on my lap and bang on the keyboard, ugh. I would cut down to 5 or even 4 articles a day, don't be too hard on yourself.
Spanky Premium
Writer's block. Sounds all too familiar. Something that has helped me is to purchase some PLR (Private Label Rights) articles and use these as a basis for my inspiration. Don't use the information verbatim, but take the gist and rewrite it in your own words and style.

Check out: http://www.tradebit.com/ or go to google and do a search for your subject/niche and include "+ plr." This will give you several plr article sites that you can purchase articles from. I mentioned Tradebit because it is very cheap.

Again, inspiration is the key. Sometimes it takes looking at other's ideas to get you jumpstarted.
Labman_1 Premium
Read through this and see if it helps.


Make your goals reasonable, I've been at this for a while now and I have never made it to 10 articles in a day. Scale back your goals and take the pressure off of yourself. A little bit of progress each day will get you there before you know it. Keep plugging away and you will be amazed at yourself in a few weeks.
phildeeze Premium
Having a little one can definitely take up the majority of your time. A great way to find content is read articles written by others. It is ok to borrow their topic as long as you write your own original version.