I'm a Perfectionist

Last Update: August 10, 2011

I think I have a problem. And the problem is that I'm a perfectionist.

Which would explain why my website isn't "done" yet. Or why I haven't made any moves towards bringing traffic to it yet. Or why one more post would make it look "officially" complete. Or why I don't have enough time to do this, that, or the other. Or __(place excuse HERE)__.

I'm a perfectionist.

I originally considered that to be a blessing and not a character flaw. But my nit-pickiness is the only reason I can't get anything done in a resonable amount of time. And, now I'm running out of it.

I'm turning Wealthy Affiliate's "30 Days to Success" into a 30 year campaign ( or i will if i don't watch it). But none of my tactics seem to be working. I tried making a to-do list...but I never finish it. I tried giving myself deadlines - but I never meet them. And, I even tried pushing material out there, just to get some articles written - promising myself that I would edit them later as long as I had something DONE. But it's like pulling teeth trying to leave rough drafts on my blog without polishing them just a little bit....

I'm hopeless. And, I could really use some advice.


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Malablues Premium
Yard sticks, brooms, the garden hose... these were some of the motivational tools employed on me in my youth. Don't be shocked - I deserved a lot of it. Anyway, I find it helps to have someone that shares the same interest, but is less finicky about the particulars.
nitagurl Premium
thanx a bunch everybody. i think i know what i need to do :)
KrisVella Premium
im a 'sort of" like you. i never could get anything done because it looks to "common" or ""everybody is ding it, but then i decided I have to put something out. so i started doing my best with everything and just publish it. from there on i can se my flaws and mistakes and work on them to get better. thats the way you need to follow, just do it and then correct yourself alng the way
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi nitagurl, I identify with you. I'm also a perfectionist and I don't consider it a flaw. Artists are always perfectionists. But you're right about the need to get it out there. I make an inhuman list of things I intend to achieve in one day, then I get real. Work on one thing at a time and "perfect" it. Then move on to the next. You have to decide your own best way of working, not WA, not anyone else. Just take some of the time constraints pressure off of yourself by doing one task at a time. Labman gave you some good advice about the spontaneous stuff has an impact because it often comes from the heart, and therefore reaches people. The spontaneous stuff just pops out of you while you are perfecting something else. Don't worry. You're fine.
Labman_1 Premium
It's not a race, but the internet does reward good content. If you are having trouble meeting your own deadlines. Change them. Take smaller bites, work on something until you are satisfied. Learn to lower your standards a bit too. I bet you are putting out some awesome stuff. Sometimes the off the cuff stuff has better results 'cause it comes from the heart.