
Last Update: February 17, 2011


 I’ve just cleaned up my new blog ( oh, did I mention that I’ve changed my niche ) and have done all that I can with my Article Marketing campaign for the night …. so, all is well. I only wish that I could tackle my new business with a little more vigor, but my family keeps me plenty busy .


After doing some long, hard soul searching I realized that I had to change my niche.  I was originally going to market the whole “make money online” thing, and really thought I could rough it out with the best of them. But, once I stopped looking through dollar signs I realized what my real motivations were. And, I almost want to apologize. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">


  I’ve read enough e-books, and have bought enough programs to know that my first goal should be to add to people lives. Not take away. People know a sales pitch when they see one – and with every page I wrote it’s all I had in mind. And, for that I’m sorry.


One of the best pieces of advice I’ve been given thus far was to imagine never making a dime from whatever it is that I do online – whether it be a blog, website, a forum, or whatever. And, if for no other reason but for the sheer fun of it, what would I talk about?


With that in mind, I've finally found a topic that I want to market for the rest of my life. And, that makes me pretty happy.


Dare of the Day:

Pretend YOU aren't going to make one crooked cent from the subject you're marketing right now. Would you still do it?

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Jenmuso Premium
Thanks for your comments. I'm struggling to get my head around affiliate marketing, while struggling with some other parts of my life. You've just given a piece of the puzzle that I was missing. Thank-you very much. I wish you every success. Jen
Wayne Hudler Premium
I have been involved in my niche for over 30 years. When it came time to choose a niche...I went with something I knew about more than most people.

Therefore it is easier to write about, more interesting to me and gave me the fire I needed to persevere. Something you love will help drive you to drive your business forward and you will come across to your readers as more genuine and believable.
Jamie Smith Premium
Everything I do with my marketing worldwide is to support the Arts, that is my passion. I have a successful career that is filled with passion thanks to WA. I feel VERY blessed. Congrats on finding your niche, wishing you great success in 2011 and beyond!
reid1 Premium
Yes, because most of what I market, I consume myself.

Peace and Prosperity!
phildeeze Premium
Well I have to agree with the advice you were given, and that is exactly how I made the decision for my first campaign. I like to think of it this way, if people stop by but don't make a purchase did I still help them find what they were looking for? That is the basis that I build my sites on and if you do this well the sales will come. Best of luck