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Last Update: July 19, 2011

I've come a long way since I first joined WA.

I have finally pin-pointed a niche and am creating content for my website as we speak. The only problem is that my ideas are kind of all over the place. And after staring at my own work for so long I can't edit my site the way I would like to. My "first impression " goggles are a little foggy.

So, I guess I'm asking for a favor. Would you mind checking out my website? And give me the honest-to-god truth. I want to know your first impressions, your likes and dislikes, and what you wish I had more of. I won't get mad.

Seriously, you're only gonna hurt me if you sugar code.

The name is pretty weird ( and very unrelated to the content, so I'm working on it ), but everything else is up for speculation. Just let me remind you that I am still writing content, adding pages, or revising material. It's not the finished product ( not by a long shot ). So, if you read a sentence and it cuts off in the middle - you just witnessed writers block at it's best :)

Just, please -above all else- let me know if it helped you in any way.  Thanx


My Website :  Toilet

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robert2704 Premium
Like the others say...Navigation. However, I'm unable to give any insight as I clicked the "job listings" tab. You have a problem on that page.
nitagurl Premium
Thank you so much Nirnaeth! I completely agree - the navigation is definitely something I have to change. Sorry it was so hard to look at everything that my site has to offer. If I'm correct, there are probably some pages that you wouldn't even no exist because of this issue. And yes, I did create it all myself :)

I will definitely make these corrections.
Nirnaeth Premium
I'm very new too so I don't know how much I can help.

I looked over your site, love the content, well written and insightful. But somehow I can't seem to "get" the navigation. The first page is with a lot of panels and stuff, but not much is clickable. Then I clicked on something pink and it took me to another site with categories. When I tried to get back to the first (main) page, that wasn't possible. Same with the other sub-sections. I expected "home" to take me to the first page.

Also, as a new visitor, I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to do there. Where do I belong if I want to find an online job? Just kind of clicked around. I hink a site-map would help a lot with that, or a side-menu with categories.

I love the design though, very creative and different. It's really colorful and upbeat :D Did you do that yourself? If so, kudos! A design like that will definately set you apart from the rest.
nitagurl Premium
Thank you!
Labman_1 Premium
You asked for first impressions. This is a good start. Make the windows on your home page clickable. It's frustrating to click here and there and go nowhere. The windows that drop down the yellow should be a different color or the text should be contrasting when the yellow is in place. Black works best against Yellow. Or leave the text white and change the yellow to blue. The text disappears and makes life difficult. Nice start. spend a lot more time gettting links to click. Your site promises a lot but doesn't deliver yet. Like the content you have so far. Keep at it.