
Last Update: February 13, 2011

I just finished writing this blog TWICE and the page will either spontaneously reload by itself, or ..... hell, God only knows what. Frick! 

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nitagurl Premium
you're absolutely right - all of you.

But, now I know :)
Labman_1 Premium
The logins time out while you are writing long posts. I like to open a new WA window and make sure it has logged in before I save a long post. This will keep you from loosing all that work.
rscott Premium
Hi Ggrrrnnnngh
I would like to be one of your friend and learn Marketing helping understanding.
nomadkfd Premium

I understand your frustration. That is why over 2 decades ago I started writing any important documents in a text file and saving often. Computers crash, power goes out and today you can lose your internet connection. If you write it in a word processor or even notepad you only need to copy and paste once you're connected again. Beats rewriting and worst of all losing that train of thought.