Posts by Osotomayor10 9
April 08, 2010
I've been focused on getting my Squidoo lenses up and running, and have about three or four presently going. I'm learning as I go but the most important part is to incorporate action as I learn, and so in between all the lessons I'm getting the lenses published. Some days are a little more frustrating than others but I'm committed to continue what I started. If you happen to come across this blog please do me the favor of checking out my lenses  and giving me some feed back on it. The Shi
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March 22, 2010
Every day that passes more of this stuff makes more, and more sense I'm over the frustration of not knowing where to start and have a better feeling for this. It's amazing all the things you learn as you go. To me it was like learning to speak a new language, I would log onto Google and read through the pages for newbies and sometime I just stopped and shook my head trying to get the cobwebs out of my brain, all this lingo (what are they talking about?) I had to re-read pages until it finally st
March 10, 2010
As I looked over the posting in the Forum I happen to come across an article by PotPie Girl which sort of resonated with me, and cleared up a miss conception about Internet Marketing  it that was the point she made about not being the salesman, but rather the vehicle that takes a consumer to the sale page.  As she pointed out, it was up to the sales page to do the selling. That made so much sense in that moment because up to now I had a vision of a use car salesman trying to pass off a
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February 28, 2010
It feels as if it has taken me so long to re-hab after surgery, and get back into the swing of things. Tomorrow is the first of March, and it's only now that I'm beginning to feel as if I'm ready to undertake this again. There are a a few issues I still need to deal with that I feel uncertain about, and once I resolve this in my mind I'm sure everything will fall into place. Like anything we undertake in life in order to move forward, and be successful with any venture we first have to start by
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October 16, 2009
Yesterday I decided that I wanted to be an affiliate for Hay House which is one of my favorite publishing Co. as well as the number 1 site for promoting such great names as Dr. Wayne Dyer and Louise Hay. I signed up with Link Share, and I am now an affiliate for Hay House. I was excited at the possibilities, and still am, although a little frustrated when it came time to getting my links from the program. I quickly realized I still have much to learn. Link Share works differently than Click Bank
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October 10, 2009
This past week has been extremely busy for me, and I feel a little frustrated that I have not been able to do as much with WA as I would like. I'm trying to fit it all into my schedule but find it's extremely time consuming for this moment in time. I have scheduled surgery for the 20th of this month and I'm trying to visualize how best to use the time frame in between when I go in and afterward during the rehab time. I think it might be best If I actually write down a schedule, one that is easil
October 03, 2009
While I'm still finding the learning process extremely time consuming, and every time I finish reading an article or tutorial it seems as if it leads to another, and yet another, I decided that action was imperative as I go along.  And so, in keeping with that mentality I decided that I would just take one step at a time, and take some sort of action step each time. today it was Squidoo.  After going over the tutorial, I went to clickbank, and pick an affiliate link to promote. I find
September 30, 2009
I'm feeling better about the time I have put in so far, and no longer look at it as if it were wasted. After taking a good look at where I am now I see that the actions I have taken over the past four months have been beneficial,and I'm really further along the process than I thought. To review: 1. Implemented my own blog. 2. I now have a good size following on several of the Social Media Sites 3. I have a nich I'm passionate about, and enjoy bloggin about 4. Joine
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September 28, 2009
I decided that I would start posting to this blog as a means of tracking my progress with WA. Today is Sept. 28, and I have been a member for almost a week now. I came across WA quite by chance. (or so it seems) So here I am now, and to give any visitors to this blog a sense of understanding of who I am and,where I am along this journey I'm going to go over the sequence of events that lead me here. At age 55 I suddenly found myself in a position where I had to take an early retirement due t
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