Published my first Article

Last Update: October 03, 2009

While I'm still finding the learning process extremely time consuming, and every time I finish reading an article or tutorial it seems as if it leads to another, and yet another, I decided that action was imperative as I go along.

 And so, in keeping with that mentality I decided that I would just take one step at a time, and take some sort of action step each time. today it was Squidoo.

 After going over the tutorial, I went to clickbank, and pick an affiliate link to promote. I find that since I'm passionate about my niche writing a related article came easy for me.

Now I have everything in place the click bank account, affiliate link, signed up for squidoo, pay pal account, wrote an article related to the link I picked, and published my lens on Squidoo.

 Let's see what tomorrow brings :)


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KeithT Premium
You are doing excellent already. On track and following the "action plan" is obviously the right direction you're going in. In a short while a lot more of the elements will fall into place with the study ethic you've got going. Keep on pacing ...
idm Premium
Glad to hear you're getting out there right away, have some gold for inspiring a fellow beginner.