The Journey

Last Update: September 28, 2009

I decided that I would start posting to this blog as a means of tracking my progress with WA. Today is Sept. 28, and I have been a member for almost a week now. I came across WA quite by chance.

(or so it seems)

So here I am now, and to give any visitors to this blog a sense of understanding of who I am and,where I am along this journey I'm going to go over the sequence of events that lead me here.

At age 55 I suddenly found myself in a position where I had to take an early retirement due to  health issues. I very soon realized that I was not good at adapting to change, and after trying to swim  up stream for a while I realized  it just was  not working for me. I got myself together, and started to research means of making an income from home.

It has been through trial, and error that I find myself here now. Originally about four months ago I was solicited by an online friend to join his Social Media Course, and was told I could generate additional income working from home.

I felt it was something I wanted to give a try,and after investing several hundred dollars, and four months of my time I am  no further along now, then when I started. I have not made any money at all and was becoming more and more frustrated  with the process and, lack of support that I received after the material was e-mail to me.

To say the least, the source was not reliable, and has not been around for any questions or additional support. the one thing I can say is, that the time I have spent  has allowed me to build on line presence, and make new relationships on the Social Media Sites that will be beneficial.

My focus has been on personal development, and strongly believe and accept the principles of the Law of Attraction in my life, after careful review of the events I started working with a journal,and specifically writing  down goals.

'When the student is ready the teacher always appear"

Again, by means of an online friend I finally connected to the right source an affiliate of WA Who suggested this site. After careful perusal, it seems to me that it has all the components  that I was looking for.

I think I'm over the overwhelm feeling I initially had when I saw so much material presented to me for review, and what remains is a desire to succeed within me that has been growing as days pass.

I 'm looking forward to learning new skills here, and connecting to new friends and affiliates. 






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idm Premium
Just keep at it and I'll see you at the top.