Better each day

Last Update: March 22, 2010

Every day that passes more of this stuff makes more, and more sense I'm over the frustration of not knowing where to start and have a better feeling for this. It's amazing all the things you learn as you go.

To me it was like learning to speak a new language, I would log onto Google and read through the pages for newbies and sometime I just stopped and shook my head trying to get the cobwebs out of my brain, all this lingo

(what are they talking about?)

I had to re-read pages until it finally started to sink in and now at this point it's like Oh, I get it. :) 

Thanks to all the tutorial that PotPie girl has posted things seem to be more transparent and for the first time since I started this venture I started to feel as If   Yes, I can do this!


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kadcpp Premium
Been here a week and I totally agree!
sherbet penny Premium
That's exactly it for us newbies, the shock horror when we start, but once we relax, re-read and re-read it starts slowly sinking in, and I'm sure in a years time we will be looking back and giving top advice to other newbies, nice post.