It's taken me so long

Last Update: February 28, 2010

It feels as if it has taken me so long to re-hab after surgery, and get back into the swing of things. Tomorrow is the first of March, and it's only now that I'm beginning to feel as if I'm ready to undertake this again.

There are a a few issues I still need to deal with that I feel uncertain about, and once I resolve this in my mind I'm sure everything will fall into place. Like anything we undertake in life in order to move forward, and be successful with any venture we first have to start by examining our own thoughts and beliefs about the particular circumstance or event.

I found for myself that it was not so much about the focus or learning a new subject, but rather the  limiting beliefs I held about internet marketing and the whole concept of selling in general. I was used to being a person of business who had a daily routine in management, and when all that changed and my world started re invent itself it felt frightening, I no longer knew who I was or what I was supposed to be doing.

My attention went from business, and management to personal development, coaching, and doing energy work which is what truly makes me happy and fulfilled. My biggest challenge has been how to integrate my skills as a Life Coach and Internet Marketing  for some reason the vision I have is not congruent and may be the only obstacle to being successful with marketing.    

It's always about how we think about something, when we clear the blocks then all flows for the greatest good. Lets see where this journey takes me. 

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idm Premium
Welcome back. I hope you're feeling well rested and focused on your journey.