Making Lenses

Last Update: April 08, 2010

I've been focused on getting my Squidoo lenses up and running, and have about three or four presently going.

I'm learning as I go but the most important part is to incorporate action as I learn, and so in between all the lessons I'm getting the lenses published.

Some days are a little more frustrating than others but I'm committed to continue what I started.

If you happen to come across this blog please do me the favor of checking out my lenses  and giving me some feed back on it.

The Shift 

Thanks :)



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FatWallet Premium
I checked your lens! its look good but lens is Ranked #13,021 in How-To, #134,923 overall. So, I guess you need work on that lens how to come up with lower Rank! Good Luck to you!!