
Last Update: August 28, 2011

I pulled my initial website down from WordPress Express and am going to reload a new niche this week. I am also going to restart the old one, but take it in another direction.

I watched the SEO WAbinar and duplicated the, and then mapped out my overall business model and plans. I realize I could have kept things as they were, but I wanted to restart from day one, now that I do get it. There are several reasons for this, but the most important one is branding purposes. If I am going to build a business, I want to put much more consideration in that area, so that I can distinguish myself well. I have also been learning a great deal off-site, or at least applying myself off-site, not that there is anything wrong with on-site, to the contrary. I have been practicing, or experiencing the same lessons taught here, out there.

I know we all eventually go do that anyway, but I did the big tour of all things Google, pays to go with the Tao, water flows downhill, drift with it, you get to where a lot of other people are that got their with the flow of least resistance, as opposed to any other way. I love that about WA, they say it right up front.

I signed up to vWorker, made a few bucks there, and Freelancer, made a few there, and the Jobs Board here, made a few bucks as well. Sure it cost me my own training time, but it really didn't. I've learned a great deal of the many aspects to revenue streams and the merits of working to also have Wealthy Affiliate pay for itself for anyone, not just me. I obviously got a big score right away, which is rare I am sure. However, just about anyone could put in a few hours and earn enough to cover their expenses to have Wealthy Affiliate cover itself while you develop your business.

I am not a wealthy person, I am a CNA working 12 hour shifts, 3 days a week at a hospital, and a full time student getting my BSN as well. I attend one of the most expensive universities in the state of Colorado, typically $17k a semester, but the VA covers a good deal of it. My SEO deal was lightening in a bottle for me, but it is off-site work until January, then mostly on-site.

I picked because I wanted to learn as much about it as possible obviously. However, learning it and rewriting it are two different things. I would be better off helping others learn it, which is why I bid on a certain job, and lucky me got it. I learn much more myself when I help others, and enjoy it more too.

Oh, I also earned a bit more than I needed to cover WA for the month, as I wanted to buy a couple more domains, and I got my AWeber, but still need to set it up with my domain. If your going to take the time to learn how to do something, and learn how to pay for it, you might as well, set it up right from the start and simply be a month behind at best, but be able to catch up twice as fast.

I wrote 23 articles in the last 3 days, all for other people, and a few other jobs, for a total of $218. I managed to make $1,104 in less than 3 weeks so far, yet the route I took has me back to day 1 in certain regards. I'm not worried about that, as it isn't a race for content, it is a race for knowledge of doing things properly, and that takes learning from mistakes. I've made so many I am not about to go there, but on the whole, I'm glad for every one of them, as that is why I am where I am.

I have all of my accounts set up, revenue streams galore, but obviously need to get my niche set up, now that I know how to do it correctly. My old domain is perfect for a landing page from all of the other things I am planning and then some. I am not worried about getting traffic to it at all either. With the use of @Magistudios little tool he showed this week, I mapped out some awesome concepts that are going to be of great use to WA people as well. I want to build it first however, not just make a resource on it first.

I'm not sure what people will make of this RealityCheck, but for me, it makes perfect sense.


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