30 Articles in 30 days

Last Update: September 04, 2011

 I signed up for the 30 in 30 at Street Articles, and did two article submissions today, and 2 blog posts on my website. I also am almost done setting up my AWeber account, so that should be done tomorrow as well.

I think I can submit 2 articles a day, and 2 blogs, while getting my AWeber completed. I'll need to get some ClickBank items soon, so far I am not really marketing products.

I also need a decent freebie eBook to offer people for signing up to my website email list. It is all starting to come together, slowly but surely. The writing of the articles is the easy part, getting the blog running in a decent way is more challenging for me at the moment.

Once I get my list and funnel set up correctly, I know I can do very well at that due to the plans I have for it in my Local Market.

I'm more excited now than ever, as I have so many awesome opportunities, and all I have to do is build it in a steady, consistent basis. Each day it just seems to be getting better and easier. It won't be too long until I can develop my own product and have it offered at ClickBank as well in my opinion. But that isn't a priority at the moment... getting my AWeber and website indexed well is.

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