AWeber Sweetness

Last Update: September 05, 2011

 Today I worked my butt off. I figured out on my own how to set up my AWeber Blog and Funnel. I partitioned off a piece of my current website and really did a good job. I do need to redo the actual email login template because it looks ugly at the moment, but it is easy to modify. I also was unable to get rid of the existing one, so one is over-layed on the other, but I will get that figured out too.

I will be writing several articles first however, as it took me all day to get done what I did today.

I also began the process of linking my blogs together, and will be creating a static front page for my site, and people will have to navigate the site by a logical linking system I have mapped out. There won't be a date order on my blog posts, as it is more oriented to guide the reader through a process of knowledge and opportunities. 

It was a huge day for me today, as I can see it all coming together quickly, where I will be at a stage of focusing on my traffic, and less on building or learning the basics. I am confident on the big picture now, and another week or two, it will all be about growing the scale. 

I will be the first to say I did things my own way, and less following the daily steps as instructed. I did so, not to be obstructive, but because I understood much of it, and knew I could quickly get certain things done later, and focus on other things sooner. Yes, my lack of article writing slowed my traffic up until now, but I know I am a strong writer and can do that for the rest of my life. 

Because I have a special situation and a captured local market, it will be much easier for me to get a ton of clients than it is for most people. I am not relying upon only people I will never know or meet, I will be able to capitalize on a steady flow of people.

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