I just hit the $$$JACKPOT!

Last Update: August 20, 2011

Thank you very much Wealthy Affiliate! Thank you Carson and Kyle!

I was a bit busy Off-line the past few days putting a Local Market Deal together. I just phone pitched it for $839 a month, for however long I want to keep the offer. It is basically 2 deals with the same person.

I will post a follow-up of the details later (be awhile) as I will have to get busy with my first SEO client. An $839 a month SEO client!

Wealthy Affiliate is the $$$BOMB! I MADE $839 a MONTH IN 8 DAYS!!!

P.s. I know that totally broke the article marketing rules as it used violated the Law of EXCLAMATION:

"The more exclamation points used in an email (or other posting), the more likely it is a complete lie. This is also true for excessive capital letters."

Not this time baby, I have god (small g) powers today and pulled the trigger! The thing that makes most people fail at anything is they quit before they succeed, or they are afraid to fail! I knew I was going for the Local Market, so I got laughed at by (darn forgot his name) the guy that did the WAbinar the other day. My site was a wreck, and the most broad keywords. But I was serious when I said I was going for the Local Market. Now that has provided me with my first 2 paying niches lol. The best part of the formula is that I get the $839 directly! Rent free for me baby!

The good news is, I also get to build awesome niche markets already mature, but not being taken advantage of on the internet that he already owns and are very profitable, but he is missing the big picture, and I have provided it to him.

I did not disclose any details, just the larger picture in a bullet format, as it is common sense at that level. The specific details I take care of myself, and I told him that the revenue he collects from direct sales clients will increase if it is working correctly, or it isn't working at all.


Oooops! I violated it again. I'm sorry, but this was like writing the U.S. Constitution in my book! I'm proud of it! Laugh at my horrible first site at http://www.bestrealinternetmarketing.com I do, all the way to the bank! LOL

It is so true, there are many ways to earn money online, and Wealthy Affiliate does cover them all eventually. However, the 30 day plan is necessary for those brand spanking new to it, or those with poor prior experience etc. It will take you from the correct first step, and over time all the way to success if you just work as told and keep learning.

I accepted that already as I had that experience, but not nearly as awesome as Wealthy Affiliate provides or does it. Now I get to jump start my niches as they pay in advance, I have to develop them lol. I knew I could do that, so I focused on learning the direct local marketing method and connecting it sort of in reverse. I found my customer, now I have to create the product, but instead of Keywords I found a client that really needs to be here and he would have saved himself $741 a month lol. However, he has no time, as he is busy running his business.

He knows I am the perfect person for the job, as I had him salivating at what it will do to his existing business. You know how there are literally 100,000's of Keyword Niches not tapped into right? It is true, they will never run out as new products are always being developed, and so are new customers. The exact same thing exists in the real world, where existing potential customers are not taking their product online correctly, they do it the old fashioned way. You can't find them unless you already know about them, they are starving for internet traffic = real traffic in the Keywords of the real world. Not all types of business need the service of an SEO, but there are some that need it REALLY bad as well. I can find them all day long, as I have a massive list of them already, and sold my 1st one!

Guess how easy it is going to be when I demo this client to the next ones? Guess how wealthy this client is, that I will have a job for life that I love and probably WEALTHY at light speed due to being able to in fact do it? Sure I am on Day 8 LOL, that is just too freaking funny, seriously lol. But I have a great deal of experience, it is called my husband lol, he has put together deals his whole life as an employee in the $Billions, and his best year was $106,000 several years ago, as he was just another manager.

Today however, he is self-employed due to medical reasons, and he learned how to do on the Internet, what he used to do in the real world. We did it together, but he held my hand, so I broke the training rules, sorry! I will get to make that up though, will have a great deal of work to do!

I'm rambling, who wouldn't be LOL.

I am going to go post in the forums now, but I won't ramble, as RealityCheck is hitting, and I need to try and relax lol.

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sherbet penny Premium
Haha this is a true exciting ramble for you, well done and cheers to future success.
RealityCheck Premium
Thank you all. I am excited!
Brownie54 Premium
That's great Reality Check. You ramble all you want!!!
andys43us Premium
Congrats!! You deserve it!!
Behealthy Premium
I am happy for you. Well done.