Started Another Blog!

Last Update: September 11, 2011

I know that sounds a bit insane, considering the speed of which my first one is developing, but it is just fine. lol

You see, the first one is a bit difficult to do what I want to do with it, and be a newbie at the same time... so it is slowly developing as I improve my skills.

My new blog is going to be a piece of cake to develop at light speed and now perform all of the things I was supposed to do in 30 days, but fell way behind.

Just today, I accomplished the following...

1. Purchased new domain and transferred to WA, set up Blog etc.

2. Set up an online store at CafePress, where I am an affiliate, and now a designer of all my own goods to market in my own store there, and on my blog. I will write a resource for this soon, so nobody steal my resource idea, but please by all means consider niching your own products!

3. I have some very sweet keywords, and topics for my articles that will be able to write endless content with ease, and it is a niche that most IM's say you can't make any money with, due to no product lol. Hence my store... I can provide my own product for free.

This blog is going to have some elements that are a bit different than what we learn at WA, but that is a good thing, so long as it can generate revenue, and I believe that will be the easy part.

I can write a blog about a situation, create a product that coincides with it, and write articles that drive a lot of traffic to my blog. This is an area I know VERY well, so writing will be easy, and I might even be able to get permanent links on some very heavy mainstream media traffic websites. 

My 30 in 30 will be done in no time... I could write 10 articles a day on this niche, and I might just do that! After I get the blog and store set up, that is the part that will take some time... 

BUT... You create a graphic right... lets say a 2,000 X 2,000 pixel image. It can be a picture, with words, or anything really. Then you slap that on 100 items or more in a few minutes, and do another one. Even if you have only a few great ones at first, your store will look stocked due to the 250+ products you can slap it on.

The key is your niche, ability to do graphics, can't violate copyrights etc. That is some good information for people right there!

I will do a real resource on it though, so WA members can read a course on it and then go do it if they so choose. First, I have to get my 30 in 30 though. I'll write them quick and save them in draft this week, and a few extras lol. But I'll need to blog, which won't be hard either, but the product aspect will take a bit of time, so I'll do that last.

Look out Marketer's... Coming through... Don't worry, I'll share my ideas with all of you too!

P.s. Petsdotcom does the same thing, kind of... I did not read the fine print, but if you have animal niches, check it out.


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RealityCheck Premium
Because I am new, and therefor, everything I do is somewhat new for me, and I had not yet heard of Zazzle. Now that I have, it is obviously in my best interest to compare and contrast. So thank you kindly for the tip.

As usual however, reality always throws you curve balls lol. My local market SEO client wants to really get going now, so I am suddenly buried with that project, which is rather large. I think I will stop posting my plans, as I have also learned that the market takes you were it wants to go, and you do your best to have plans... but you have to follow the revenue.
jatdebeaune Premium
Curious to know why you chose CafePress over Zazzle.