Posts by Revelation 15
November 14, 2009
Blahhhhhhh...... so busy lately.    Ok so I am gearing up and getting together some good information for my own product.  I have been looking at this since I started IM and have thought of it for years, but never acted on it.   I am now at a point where I could produce and distribute my own product in the form of eBooks and Videos or a mix there of.  The question lies more toward, What kind of product will I be creating?   I have already answered that and don't want
November 11, 2009
Hey WA! Sorry I haven't been around these parts much lately.  I have been off marketing and testing some new waters. What have you guys been up to? Since I last wrote, I have created a pen name, thrown up a couple new websites in a new researched niche and been hitting the article marketing over at EZA hard.  I have done better with my bio box and been getting much more traffic to my secondary site in the new niche.  Google didn't index my new site for over a week!  I couldn'
November 04, 2009
I posted this on the forums, but for those of you that don't use the forums much I figured I would post it here too:  I wanted to share a little success story but thought I would put it in this area of the forums as it has to do with article marketing more than just success. The point of this post is to encourage newcomers that what you find here for tools and research are all you need to be successful.  A couple days ago I used Rapid Writer to write an article for one of my niches. I
November 02, 2009
Hey guys, I picked up a pretty cool little video screen capture program the other day.   If anyone would like to see video tutorials on something related to IM, just drop me a note here and I will look to see if I can make it. I noticed that some of the best tutorials here are done in video format because it is just easier for some of us to learn that way.  If it's easier for you too, and there isn't a tutorial on it already, let me know and I will consider making something to help us
October 30, 2009
Did you know that Internet marketing is so easy, a monkey could do it?   Ok maybe not that easy, but this is a cake walk guys!  Why do I say that while you read this and go, "Oh yeah John whatever you don't know how long I have done this and how hard it is!".  Yeah, I do hear you, so listen to me as a guy who joined WAU and started making money in 2 weeks:   Ok, part of this is luck I'll give you that.  But it's a very small part!  IM is an organized seque
I wanted to share a story that popped into my head tonight while walking my dog. Every night, my dog (Dart) and I stay up late writing articles and reading online.  And every night, we go out for walks so he can pee and so I can stretch my legs from sitting all day.  We enjoy it and make the normal rounds each night so he can pee on his favorite bushes and mark his territory.  We walk the same way each time and he knows the route well.  Part of our walk leads up to a small ga
October 25, 2009
Hey WAU! I wanted to throw a quick blog up about helping others. We all pay to use this site.  Some use it more than others.  As a "community" it would be awesome to see more help offered from within our own community, yeah?! :) Maybe I'm not the best at SEO, maybe you aren't the best at PPC, maybe none of us are the best at making marketing videos...but you know what?  We can all help other people in other ways! I got the nicest email today from a lady about a tutorial
October 22, 2009
Hey WA people! My current site is down for a move - sorry about that!  It will be back up shortly. However, I wanted to spill the beans on another site I have going up.  The site will be an information hub for all things internet marketing.  Yes, I know there are many, but I hope to be adding features that many of these sites are lacking to draw a crowd. Resources, reviews, tools, advice, coaching, writing, article submissions, forums, blogging, whatever-the-heck we can come up wi
October 20, 2009
 So I decided to re-theme my site.   It took the better part of the evening due to some PHP and plugin errors I had to track down...sigh. Anyhow, the site has a new look and feel to it.  Any and all feedback is welcome of course. :)
October 17, 2009
Well it happened... my first 100 dollar day since I joined WA!  15 days into it and a lot of typing later, I made 4 sales!  Man I am excited. Long story short, I found a niche that wasn't being used.  The quoted results did have 30,000 results but the articles on top were written poorly.  So I went for it.  Long story short again, I hit Google's front page in positions 1,2, and 3... and the product I am selling, his website is spot 4! LOL! So I started making sales and h