New Theme

Last Update: October 20, 2009 2.jpg" width="200" height="141" title="" alt="" align="left" /> So I decided to re-theme my site.  

It took the better part of the evening due to some PHP and plugin errors I had to track down...sigh.

Anyhow, the site has a new look and feel to it.  Any and all feedback is welcome of course. :)

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timeandmoney Premium
I like your site. Clean with a nice layout. Some sites tend to have a little too much going on but yours is attractive and easy on the eyes.
Revelation Premium
Thanks man. No it's a WordPress Blog + a Theme I found for free online. It's also altered to run the things I need so I had to do a little PHP and HTML work...but I think it turn out ok.
anthony2791 Premium
I like the site ..did you do it with the software here at WA?
Revelation Premium
Not sure yet. Still asking around but its all based of traffic/site visits. I know it will be cheap for now as the site is brand new and not many people know about it yet.
idm Premium
Nice and clean with lots of info. I notice you have some ad space open there. I don't have anything to advertise but I'm curious what you're charging for that.