First 100 Dollar Day

Last Update: October 17, 2009

Well it happened... my first 100 dollar day since I joined WA!  15 days into it and a lot of typing later, I made 4 sales!  Man I am excited.

Long story short, I found a niche that wasn't being used.  The quoted results did have 30,000 results but the articles on top were written poorly.  So I went for it.  Long story short again, I hit Google's front page in positions 1,2, and 3... and the product I am selling, his website is spot 4! LOL!

So I started making sales and hope this last for a bit.  It was great and wanted to document it here!

On to the next! 

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TheAVlady Premium
Awesome! So glad for you!!! I have begun dabbling in WP theme design and wondered if you create your own themes or perhaps edit existing themes. Not too many folks here know coding so I was looking for a pal to exchange ideas with and help each other with coding. I have some background in it so it isn't all new to me, just the Wordpress part of it.

Take care, Donna
TheRichKid Premium
Well done m8. Great stuff. You are dong better than myself. Only had one lousy sale. Congrats man.
1courage Premium
Congratulations Revelations! I'm excited for you. You show us newbies what is possible if we are dedicated to learning and taking action. Good for you.
Manker521 Premium
That is great news, congrats!!
idm Premium
Dig it.