Getting It Together

Last Update: November 14, 2009
Blahhhhhhh...... so busy lately. 
Ok so I am gearing up and getting together some good information for my own product.  I have been looking at this since I started IM and have thought of it for years, but never acted on it.
I am now at a point where I could produce and distribute my own product in the form of eBooks and Videos or a mix there of.  The question lies more toward, What kind of product will I be creating?
I have already answered that and don't want to spoil the surprise.  I had a short chat with Kyle about product creation and a few others around WA.  Good advice was given and it seems very doable... just need the timing to be right and get a few ducks in order.  Don't want to go to fast or get sloppy and need to maintain what I already have going in the process.
So... I'm getting it all together slowly but surely.  
Stay in the game folks - it can only grow and get better! :P
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sox1n05 Premium
That's great Man! I too really want to launch my own product, but I refuse to do it until I get some more of the basics down. When I do launch a product, I want to make sure that I do it right.

Keep in the loop with how you're doing!
idm Premium
It's funny but I'm already wanting to move toward product creation and I've barely started too. I know it's very possible for either of us so I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.