Ready To Make Videos

Last Update: November 02, 2009

Hey guys,

I picked up a pretty cool little video screen capture program the other day.  

If anyone would like to see video tutorials on something related to IM, just drop me a note here and I will look to see if I can make it.

I noticed that some of the best tutorials here are done in video format because it is just easier for some of us to learn that way.  If it's easier for you too, and there isn't a tutorial on it already, let me know and I will consider making something to help us all out!



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RayJay777 Premium

I recently downloaded a trial version of PhotoShop and cannot figure out how to change text in an already completed ebook and header. These are provided but need to be changed (edited) by me.
It seems all the tutorials are on something more complicated or related to images, backgrounds etc.
Let me know.
windu78 Premium
Man that would be fantastic if you could make video tutorials that would help alot of people!
idm Premium
That's cool, except I'm on PC. Looking forward to your videos though.
Revelation Premium
Actually, I am on a MAC so it's a MAC based program. And "actually" it's a hack for Quicktime. You can read about it here: Oh, and it's free ;)
idm Premium
What program are you using? I've been considering it as you know but I don't want to do anything half way so I've put it off instead.