Just Started

Last Update: October 01, 2009

Hi WA!

I was so thrilled when I signed up and found the wealth of knowledge that WA has to offer.

I have been a member now for about 5 hours and already tearing up eBay + Squidoo like crazy.  I am loving how this form of free advertising is so simple to use and build off of.

Who knows what the future will hold but , for now, it's off to the races!  Go, go, GO!

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teacup Premium
Impressive! Taking action will get results. Read, Learn, take action. Make mistakes, not deliberately, but you will, then learn from them. Never get discouraged, something that does not work may only need tweeking. Learning experiences...keep going.
BIS Premium
Welcome to WA. Nice to meet you. Glad your first impression is a good one. If you have any questions use the Live Chat - there's generally someone around to help you immediately.

Best wishes

Sherion Premium
Go get um! I see you are a hungry one! Leave something for the rest of us okay? Best wishes to your journey here at WA. It is a great place to be and you will do great as long as you keep up with this kind of enthusiasm.
Best Wishes To You!