Posts by Sherbet Penny 16
 Or am I????? Today I have finished the Action Plan, after squeezing it in to my spare time, I’m delighted to have finished it, but in reality, I’m only just beginning. Thank you WA, and all it’s great folk, And Kyle and Carson thank you too. In doing the action plan in the last couple of months, has been exciting, daunting and sometimes frustration at the same time. And here’s the thing, I’m off to do it again WHAT? are you nuts or just stupid???????? I know, but let me explain!!
April 08, 2010
  Don't be too alarmed, it's not bad news, just a little advice to newbies or anyone....   If you are creating a landing page etc. to promote WA, you put in some good hard work, and on your page you tell people about Rapid writer, Article spinning and PLR, and you want to write articles to ezine to send people to your links, ezine will reject your articles, simply because they say they will not show links promoting Article spinning and PLR. Silly I know but apparently that's the rule.
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March 02, 2010
Well people,                      hope everybody is well, especially you Marcus, hope your feeling better. So I've lasted a week, very proud. Have to say first few days were a little tough, everything just hits you, and trying to take it all in is plain stupid,  and now just taking my time, planing out a training/studying plan has helped and will help in the long run, It's def
February 28, 2010
Well now I have reached the first hurdle, a different type of problem I wasn't expecting, Thinking my first problem would be taking in to much information and overloading but no, stupidly on Friday I broke my poor knuckle and pinky finger training, a split second mishap in concentration and paid the price. Now it's taking me forever to type, a royal pain but have to soldier on. I'm a slow typist as it is lol but sure, I'll have to rearrange my plans. Stupid fingers.  
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February 22, 2010
Well completed first task yesterday. What now and where does one go from here.
February 21, 2010
Well wow to this site. There is so much going on, I need a cup of tea to calm the brain. My first half hour here on WA, trying to familiarise myself with everything and can't wait till I become comfortable and ready to start learning all I can ( been totally inexperienced.) And also meet people too. Even as I send this blog I haven't a clue where it ends up lol. Well I better get back to it, and find my way round to where-ever it is I'm meant to start.
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