Posts by Smadronia 34
June 14, 2010
Well, my partner's mom is out of the hospital, they released her last Wednesday. The verdict on what she had? Most likely Rocky Mountain Spotter Fever, which matched all the signs and she had a tick like bite mark. However, there's no tick, so we'll never know.  She's taking some class for a test, lets her work out IEP's and  other plans to help developmentally disabled kids. Great thing, but she went to class the day after she got out of the hospital. Guess logic was left behind. &nbs
My partner's mother is in the hospital right now.They had to transfer her from the smaller hospital where her husband works, to the large hospital in the only large city in the region. She has a systemic strep A infection, and while they're treating it with antibiotics, they don't know where the infection itself materialized, and they're not sure how long it will take to clear up. To add insult to injury, her younger child, my "brother in law" graduates high school on Saturday, and she
Made a Squidoo Lens today. Followed PoPieGirl's Squidoo How To, and added in my RSS feed for my blog like the Niche Blogger suggested. Now, I hope it get approves and goes live for backlinks. with all the backlinking I've done in the last couple weeks, I should be in good shape.  Now, just gotta write some more blog posts, and let it go for a bit. This was a dismal attempt as a first Nniche blog (should have researched better) but it'll at least be a decent site, even if there's not much in
So, I drive team, and our milage has been low for the last couple weeks. In addition to low miles, we took a $0.06 per mil cut in pay, and were told if we're unable to manage at least 16,000 miles per month as a team, we'll be split up and put in separate trucks. Life is high stress right now.   We sat for 15 hours waiting to repower a load that has to be 520 miles away by Friday morning at 8am. We were sitting around, waiting for the other driver at 11pm  Wednesday night. He didn't ge