Posts by Smadronia 34
May 19, 2011
So I logged in today, and my blog was Blog of the Day. Yikes. I'm guessing it's random, because implying my post was of serious value means WA is really reaching for content :) And I'm joking. WA is a great resource. I wouldn't have renewed  for a second year if I didn't think it had value.  Since I was blog of the day, I've gotten a few questions about my Halloween niche sites. Yes, I have 72 sites. Yes, Halloween is a pretty short season to build sites for. Yes, it can be a lot of
1 comment
May 16, 2011
*Note: Yikes! I'm blog of the day! This was a quick post done to keep myself accountable. I've gotten a few comments about how and why and if I'm nuts, so I've written a second post about it. You can find it here.*   I have 72 Halloween costume websites. That's a lot of website.   13 are done. 8 need me to go through them, because they're leftover from last year, and some costumes have taken off.   30 have been put into my hosting, with barebones wordpress installs.   29 nee
So, I bit the bullet and put up a resource here in the WA training center. It's about SocialMonkee (which I'm loving) and how to use it.  I'd appreciate any feedback people could give me on it. It's a basic tutorial on how to use it, set up your link, view your report, etc. Automated Social Bookmarking For Backlinks Made Easy   
Ever heard the phrase, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink? I feel like that this week.   I have a friend, a nice gal, but she can't catch a break. She's trying to get her photography business off the ground, but she's not getting any clients. And, since she's doing photography from a wheelchair, a lot of people are hesitant to hire her. So, no clients = no cash.   She can't keep her phone bill paid, the house she's renting part of is being sold, and there's no
Talk about affiliate marketing ADD, or shiny new object syndrome. I've just put my Halloween websites on hold to work on a couple other things. First, I downloaded an audio lesson on $1000 in 30 days by Sean Mize. Then I watched the replay of awebinar on flipping websites. And to round it out as a hat trick, I agreed to do 1 campaign of One Week Marketing with a friend.  See? I can't hold myself in one place right now. I've told myself I can't do the list building on, because I don't have t
I hate social bookmarking, but it seems like all the rage. And lately, I've been writing a ton of articles for backlinks, but that takes time. So, I've also been usingSocialMonkee to help me with social bookmarking sites.   There's 2 drawbacks to SocialMonkee: first, the pages it submits to are fairly new. Second, the free version is pretty limited. There's also a couple good things: It's free, and you can work around the limit. SocialMonkee claims to have over 100 social bookmarking site
Been a while since I updated here. I let the beginning of the year pass me by, and sat around doing a whole lot of nothing. As aresult, my internet marketing income plummeted, and I was seeing about $3 a month. So, I decided it was time to get back into it. I purchased about 50 domain names for Halloween costumes, and I'm in the process of building sites for them. I've learned a lot from last year's batch, and I've learned a lot about internet marketing in the last 6 months, so I'm hoping I can
January 18, 2011
So far, in 2011, I have made $0.61. Yes, 61 CENTS.  It's discouraging. It's also totally my fault. 95% of the money I've made so far has been related to Halloween costume sites. Halloween is long over, as is any Christmas costume shopping (elves, santa, etc), and New Year's Party shopping. I shouldn't see a whole lot in costume sales for the next 7 months.  So, it's time to diversify. I was doing the auto blog route, but I got hung up on writing the original content for the blogs. Some
December 31, 2010
My websites are up and running again, thanks to he host gator folks. They fixed permissions and did all the necessary stuff to get me back up and running, and within a few hours of me submitting the support ticket.  I have a little info on the Wordpress Plug In WP-DB-Backup and it was recommended to me to use for backups, so I'm going to use it and hope I can keep the backups straight. I pulled my income via Internet Marketing for 2010. Total, not paid out, but earned, is as follows: Ad
December 30, 2010
So, I went to Fantastico to check out all the websites I have, and to update all of them to the new Wordpress version. And, like a moron, I clicked remove. I never confirmed it, but it took something out, so I'm going to have to find a way to restore them. HostGator can restore them for a $15 one time charge, so it looks like I'll be contacting them to get the backups restored. They verified a backup was done on Sunday, so I won't have lost too much.   Moral of the story? Make backups!