Posts by Smadronia 34
Funny story that happened earlier this week: Pet and I were crossing Oregon today, on our way home. We’re coming down a hill, and we see one of those DOT trucks with the —> get over arrows. So, we stay in the right lane. Then, we see a second one of those DOT trucks, with the >>> arrow. So, we keep staying in the right lane. The truck in front of us slows down, allowing us to see a flatbed tow truck just beyond the second DOT truck. We can’t see what it’s winching onto the pl
November 20, 2010
Comission Junction paid me this past friday for my Halloween costume. I checked my bank account balanceand saw the $120.36 deposited. I was thrilled. I saw the balance on the CJ page, and I knew I was going to get paid, but knowing it in theory, and actually getting paid are two different things. Kinda like seeing $20 in adsense sit in your account for months, but not being able to be paid. And, when I checked CJ, I have a $10 balance because someone purchased a costume last week. So even thou
November 05, 2010
So, I totaled up my Halloween blogging income, and the results aren't stellar, but it's by far the most money I've made in Internet Marketing.   $120.36 off Comission Junction $19.74 from Adsense for September and October.   Grand total: $140.10   Not a huge amount, but I am pleased. And, I only had 7 sites up, and only 2 made 0 sales. One, which went up in early October, made $30 in CH commissions alone, so I was pleased.   This month has hadno sales and only $0.25 in
1 comment
October 15, 2010
I have made money every day in October, without actually doing any website building. I submitted a couple articles, but that's been it.   Of the 7 Halloween themed websites I have, all but two have made me some sort of Comission Junction comission. And, all of them have been making me Adsense revenue.   I don't have enough Adsense to get paid this month, but I've tripled the amount of earnings I've made in all my previous months, and I'm thrilled.   And! I'll be getting paid by CJ
September 05, 2010
It's been a crap week. First, the truck went in the shop for numerous problems, and came out with 2 of the 4 problems fixed. So, we'll have to go to ANOTHER shop in the near future for the other problems. Missed my grandmother's80th birthday because of repairs, and because my company isn't concerned about getting drivers home.  Place I wanted to apply for, but was waiting for my CDL to come in the mail before I applied, is no longer hiring. My 10 year old cat, that I spent 3 years away from
July 29, 2010
A/C broke in Alberta last week, so I spent a week cooling my heels in motel rooms in southern California. I managed to get a couple websites done, although I find if I don't like the topic at hand, they really drag.   Still, I'm 4 of 16 for costumes, which is better than nothing.   And better still, I logged into Comission Junction today. I was actually getting a code for the new website I'm working on, and my eyes drifted up to the top corner. You know the one, in my case it usually s
I thought I had this SEO thing figured out, but now I'm not so sure. I've had a site up and complete for several weeks now, and while Google knows it's there, the ranking is low. Low enough the rank checker I'm using lists it as a -, and I know it counts as least as high as 191st spot.   So I'm wondering what I did wrong. Maybe it was the sitemap too early. Maybe it was not setting up "nofollow" in my links before Google crawled the site. Maybe it's none of the above.  T
So, for fun I decided to run a rank checker on one of my halloween costume sites. Last week it wasn't listed with a spot on google or yahoo, and was 22 on Bing.  This week, it's #1 on Yahoo.  I did a little happy dance. Then I had to get distracted because my partner was more interested in Yahoo's front page  about the Deadlist Catch guy than what I was looking up. Oh well. Ranking in Google still sucks, but the domain's only been registered 3 weeks, and the site's been up 2, wit
July 02, 2010
Ever play Grand Theft Auto: Vice City? One of the talk radio show parodies involves a shyster selling a series of tapes for "Think your way to success." In other words, not actually doing (although that's another tape), but thinking. That was me a couple weeks ago, and like I said in my last blog post, I'm taking action, not just thinking on it. I'm not able to sign up for the Halloween Super Affiliate, but I did attend the free webinar, and gained a lot of useful information. And then
I'm guilty of being the sort of person who will spend most of my time reading up on how to do something, and then not put it in practice. Usually I see all the potential I could do with the information, but actually starting is so very, very hard for me. Not Anymore. Two things prompted me into action. The first is work. We had an exhaust error come across our truck, and when we pulled over to find out what was going on, we were struck by another semi and our mirror was obliterated. We spent 5