I just got slapped...no...KICKED!

Last Update: July 06, 2010

Is this what the Google slap is all about? I was riding on a cloud since my last post about writing my first article and it getting listed on the 1st page of google under the search Wordpress Express. Today, it is GONE! And what is worse is that it is showing up on the first page under someone else's blog. Yes, someone hijacked it and all my links are inactive as it shows up. I can't believe this. Is this why many people quit? I don't know what went wrong. I need a lot of strength to keep going after this setback. 

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emmetmaude Premium
Sorry it is "take it to the bank" not back - guess I stutter when I type ;-)
emmetmaude Premium
A bump in the road. I agree with Jim -- Carma rules !! You can take it to the back - they will get theirs when they least expect it. You keep it up and just outrun them. If you quit you reward their bad behavior. We are all "pulling" for your success.
Jamie Smith Premium
I am so sorry to hear about someone stealing your stuff! Karma is not going to be kind to those fools.
jatdebeaune Premium
I can't wait to hear what you are advised to do by others. That is a miserable thing to happen. Don't know what to say. There has to be some remedy. I know it's discouraging. Don't quit.
Jimmy Massey Premium
That stinks! But don't let it discourage you, worse things will happen in this business, people will take credit for your work and as unfair as it may seem, 9 times out of 10 we can't do much about it. A similar thing happened to me, so I feel your pain, just believe in Carma and keep your head up. It sounds like your doing a fantastic job so far so don't give up! :)