Is it just me?

Last Update: July 12, 2010

I just wonder sometimes, is it just me or is everyone in this business just obsessed? I don't know. I find myself thinking about this in my dreams sometimes. I used to give my hubby a hard time for spending so much time on the computer or his iPhone. Now look who is on the computer all the time. I write one article and I check on it and check on it and check on it. Every hour I check my clickbank account, I check my blog, I check my squiddoo lenses. I am going crazy. To all you advanced people out there, will this go on when I have hundreds of lenses and products that I am promoting, or will I ever stop obsessing? To all the newbies, are you guys doing the same? 

PS: No sales yet, so it is hard to explain this obsession to people. Hope it happens soon. I do feel though like the fog is clearing slowly and I am kinda figuring it out.

Please check out and critique my stuff.

Here is the newest post to my blog

..and here is the squiddoo lens I made today.


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ellyngeorge Premium
I know it's hard to do when you can always find "just one more thing to do or check" while doing IM, but if you can drag yourself away from that computer, get out your vaccuum, mop the kitchen floor, clean the bathroom - you know, all that stuff. The reason? Because after many years I finally learned that sometimes we put too much attention toward something and it's like watching water waiting for it to boil. Sure enough, you walk away and there it is hissing and flowing all over your stove. Watch it and it just sits....forever. In other words, you will need to hit a balance at some point or your mind really will not be as effective as that of someone who does the groundwork each day, walks away knowing they have done a good day's work and then takes care of the other priorities in life.
SP1976 Premium
Thanks all, and thank you Maureen, will correct that grammatical error right away!
jatdebeaune Premium
I like both your blog and your lens. I was immediately "hypnotised" by wanting to find out more about covert hypnosis. You always know when people are "handling you", but somehow you don't mind at all. In sales, a good trick (covert hypnosis), is mimicking your customer. If your customer is expressive, then you are expressive, etc, etc. Works. Maureen gave you good advice. All in all, you drew me in just fine. As for obsession, who would be attracted to IM business but an obsessive, determined, workaholic, insane risk taker genius? Haha, now do you feel better?
maureenhannan Premium
I admit it: I am obsessed. I think I know why it sucks us in the way it does. This is not a silly obsession--this is something that represents having control over one's life (and lifestyle). Income, time with children, the ability to simplify one's life and to have both variety and entrepreneurial ownership. What's not to obsess over? I heard someone say (in a forum, I guess) that this biz draws the desperate. I don't mind being counted among the desperate. Who is more driven (and more obsessive) than the person who has decided that things MUST change? Anyway, I looked at both your blog and your lens. Great work. Your blog has a friendly, positive feel to it (very much in the spirit of Potpie Girl). And I really like the way you integrate video. A 2-column arrangement might give you the ability to add an opt-in and a few teasers about other good content. But obviously there are space tradeoffs to be made if you do that. As for the lens, it really grabbed my attention right away. (Like the highlighting of the headers!) You might want your product link somewhere before the very end (at least, that's what I kept hearing in the critiques I got on my lenses). Also, the correct English (sorry, I'm an English teacher) is "How to Hypnotize People without Their Knowing It." Common enough error, but I think it adds to your authority to have 100% perfect grammar--especially in titles. Nice work! Good luck with your obsession. ~ Maureen
Jamie Smith Premium
I check stats during the start of my day. The rest of the time is busy on my marketing hustle. I studied music & marketing in college. Very blessed to work in my field. I am like you, I am constantly thinking about marketing and music. Check out Jay's mind map on his magistudios blog. Guaranteed that sales will be heading your way. Also enjoy Jay's FREE webinars. Jay is truly a great man!