About Thadius
Joined January 2011
I can still remember how i ended up here. I went online to hear Mel Gibsons racists and anti-semantic remarks (really sad, but strangely comical) which led me to a link about making money online. I followed the link to a youtube video about how a woman was making money online. Strangely, this video was reviewed from a guy who pointed out how fake the video was and how it was a scam. The article review told me that if i wanted to start a legitimate online business to follow the link to WA. .....which I did. Talk about the wierdest series of actions that led me to becoming an Affliate (well aspiring one anyways). Well thats the story; I guess I should actually tell you a little about me

My name is Thadius (for now anyways) and im BRAND SPANKING, OUT OF THE WOMB, NEEEWWW to this type thing. I find that making money online has always intrigued me and it is a skill that I wish to acquire.

Im a social worker ....an highly OVER WORKED and UNDERPAID (terribly) position that pretty much consumes my life, which is not something I want ultimately. Im hoping that I can redeem the time ive lost from working at a dead end 9-5 job for so many years. I want my life back and to have the freedom to do what i want when I want and help other people get the same.

Well here goes nothing.....my first attempt at being an entrepreneur and making some significant changes in my life. Thanks for the welcoming invite people...I hope that we can help each other reach our perspective goals.

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Thadius Premium
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Thadius, Thanks for the kind words. You're very wise to be educating yourself in IM. So much good can be done with this skill. There is an awful lot to learn. If I can help in any way, please feel free to ask. We're buddies.
Thadius Premium
Thanks girl, its much appreciated. Ok well here I go!
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome to WA. Put your introduction in the about me section on top of the page. Glad your here.
Thadius Premium
Hey Labman! Gratitude for hitting me up as a buddy. Im on vacation right now and will be doing nothing but BUILDING THIS BUSINESS...lol. Keep in touch peeps
Jamie Smith Premium
Welcome to the WA family
Thadius Premium
Much love to ya Jamie! I see your living out your dreams and keeping on your grind. thanks for the buddy request. Ill be in touch
Thadius Premium
SOoooooo.........*cough* looks around) im new here and im just checking out my WA space. Dont know where this message is going or if someone will see it. Just wanted to say HELLO to all my buddies at WA! Lets make some money