Posts by Thadius 13
Well...I thought I was finished with my article. No honestly about 2/3 the way finished with my first article to Street Articles until i started to read some of the emails sent to me about the do's and dont's of article marketing, back links and effective strategies to boost rankings with Google, etc. ARgh!! I just feel like deleting EVERYTHING because i feel its not good enough...utter and complete trash. *sigh*  You see this is my perfectionist side coming out, and its done nothing but h
June 05, 2011
I couldnt help to wonder if my approach to getting traffic to my website is sound or not. I intend to promote WA, and my website is about making money from an online business. My train of thought was to direct people to WA so they learn how to create a successful business and make money from the tools and training here at WAU. Is this a sound approach, or should my website be more focused on becoming an internet marketer and an affiliate.  I hope im not over-analyzing this too much. I just
June 04, 2011
I wish i could say that it only took me four days to get to this, but it didnt, lol. Well no ones perfect.  Primary notes of interest is in the system of obtaining valuable key word searches. Bookmarking webpages such as Ehow, Wikipedia and Thesaurus .com sites proved valuable for later uses. Didnt find the Wiki to be overly valuable for keyword searches, but i know it'll prove its usefulness later on.   Made unconscious effort to organize keywords based on article power to compli
May I say, that if you're a social worker than i really feel your pain as i know its nearly impossible to have a life outside the job. That's why its so important that I keep moving forward. I really hate the politics and CYA aspects of my job (stands for cover your a!$)  Today was pretty good, though. I worked out twice, did yoga ( how did I end up doing that again?) and now im tweaking the website and continuing on my 30 day action plan. It seems to me that this routine works for me..can
May 30, 2011
Alright, there seems to be a lot of people who really hate this part of the business, including myself. I figured maybe if I publicly wrote something that i was going to post on my website, it would inspire others to just GET IT DONE, hah ahh hah. Here I go , willing to make an absolute fool of myself and post this on my website regardless of how i think it sounds. You know in retrospect, its really not about how many times you fail, its about getting up time and time again. The greatest achieve
May 30, 2011
I dont really know what to talk about today. Im in front of my computer about to start some more work on my website and squidoo lens. There's about a billion more things I have to do and learn so i guess ill put in about 5 hours today at least.   This blog posts specifically is just me trying to develop a good habit.  I know i dont have enough money to do a lot of the pay per click techniques, so i have to get in the habit of writing numerous articles. Writing blogs on a daily bas
May 07, 2011
Oh im not mad...just cant actually SEE my website and all the updates that im working on. I posted my problem in the forum to no avail. Got to be a way to figure this out on my own.  Think ...think...think.....  Well this is a marathon not a quick im gonna be patient. IM just gonna keep bumping up my post until someone can lend a hand or until i figure it out on my own. I REFUSE to let situation and mood get in the way of my goals. 
May 04, 2011
Oh crap...was freakin out there for a sec when my hosting login said that it was "broken". I fixed it though by creating another blog. I think that when i deleted my older blog, it screwed up the newer one, lol. Well whatever, im tackling day 3 now.   Sooo...I like this 30 day stuff. Something about writing out the steps every day makes it 1000 more times easier. 
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Havent been blogging like I should...minus 8 pts for Thadius. I have been actively engaging in Squidoo and gets things started on that side. I want to give Pot Pie Girl Two Thumbs way up for her helpful tutorial on making lens and getting started quickly. The only thing im confused about is whether or not I should give her all 11 gold coins or just a few in case someone else comes along with another awesome quick start tutorial. lol. Decisions ..decisions. Well we'll start off by at least giving
1 comment
March 29, 2011
Oh god where to start...? lets see car accidents, diabetes, family crises, the excuses just go on and on. Im down but im not up...... ....wait a second , that ..that doesnt sound right. ..Im down but im not out..............or was up but not down...??  Anyways, Im taking a break from all the madness and focusing on what i want. Lets get this right.....   Watch ya move