Articles of Glory and Insanity!!

Last Update: June 12, 2011

Well...I thought I was finished with my article. No honestly about 2/3 the way finished with my first article to Street Articles until i started to read some of the emails sent to me about the do's and dont's of article marketing, back links and effective strategies to boost rankings with Google, etc. ARgh!! I just feel like deleting EVERYTHING because i feel its not good enough...utter and complete trash. *sigh*

 You see this is my perfectionist side coming out, and its done nothing but hold up progress for me in my life. Ok....Brreeaatttheee. I'm going to submit it anyways with regard to some of the things I learned about

 Its ok'll all work out ....eventually. lol

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Thadius Premium
Phew...just getting back in the groove of things. Thanks Joan..i appreciate the advice. yeah im staring to just get all the words out on paper and then editing them when im done. I think this is the best approach for me, heh eh
jatdebeaune Premium
Hi Thadius, your article is probably much better than you think. I understand about perfectionism. Sometimes the spontaneity of just writing it and submitting it, not over-thinking it, will serve you well in the big picture.
riha1 Premium
hey when I joined wealthy I hated writing but I just read some of the tutorials and I completely like it now. I can now write an article in 30 mins of 400 plus words, trust me if you start writing away then you get use to it and it becomes natural, I am not the best at writing but I'm learning and my articles are ranking in google and getting traffic to my site hope that can help you thanks
Thadius Premium
Thanks genegem, appreciate the words of wisdom, especially about the politicians and bankers, LOL. Ill keep at it. Stepping stones huh ... i can do that.
Just keep it super simple and treat each submission as a stepping stone to perfection rather than trying for perfection first time. All things in life get better over time ... well some things like politicians and bankers get worse but that's another story:-) Keep on keeping on and you'll get where you wanna go.