
Last Update: May 07, 2011

Oh im not mad...just cant actually SEE my website and all the updates that im working on. I posted my problem in the forum to no avail. Got to be a way to figure this out on my own.

 Think ...think...think.....

 Well this is a marathon not a quick im gonna be patient. IM just gonna keep bumping up my post until someone can lend a hand or until i figure it out on my own. I REFUSE to let situation and mood get in the way of my goals. 

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Thadius Premium
I figured it out...sheesh. Only took forever. Thanks Happyfaktor for the support...its much appreciated. : )
Happyfaktor Premium
Hey man,

What are you using to publish? Wordpress? Or something else. Let me know and I'll try to help.
Labman_1 Premium
PM Kyle or Carson if you think there is a problem. They will get back to you on Monday.