Writing About yourself

Last Update: May 31, 2011

Alright, there seems to be a lot of people who really hate this part of the business, including myself. I figured maybe if I publicly wrote something that i was going to post on my website, it would inspire others to just GET IT DONE, hah ahh hah. Here I go , willing to make an absolute fool of myself and post this on my website regardless of how i think it sounds. You know in retrospect, its really not about how many times you fail, its about getting up time and time again. The greatest achievers massively failed over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over (going for a Thomas Edison record for failure) and over and over and over and over and over and over... you get the picture. Its the only way to get better though..sadly, lol. 

Hello and welcome to my personal page. (<--not really original, but who cares)

I wanted to take the time to congratulate you on your new decision to make some significant changes in your life. I have personally felt the rigors and frustrations of working  pay check to pay check, and its not fun.I created this user friendly website to direct people to the  tools and resources needed to create a business online. Arriving at this decision was attributed mainly from the things i didn't want in my life.

First and foremost, I knew that I wanted to quit my job. I knew that I wanted to be my own boss and have the ability to work from anywhere. And lastly, I knew that making money online seemed to be the best way for me to achieve my goals.  However, I didn't have the necessary help to point me to creating a successful business online. I grew up just about poverty status, went on to college to obtain my bachelor's degree, but I had no idea how to do anything else except work for someone else.  

 A business online is great website for people to get the training needed to becoming a successful entrepreneur. My parents always told me that I could accomplish anything if I just set my mind to it.  Heeding to this advise I created a business online website to help myself and others accomplish their financial goals and I'm very proud of development; my bachelor's degree is a distant 4th on the proud scale. 

You have my permission to check out the tools and links on this website to the fullest. A business online is not a website for people to go through the motions of someone who wants to succeed. Rather, its a community for like minds to come together, blog, email and most importantly ACT on the information provided to them to achieve their own financial independence. Working 60 hours a week with no time for my family or friends was enough to compel me to action. What about you?


 Ok so i used the phrase " a business online" or variations of it a couple of times, ...im not sure if it was enough to get the 2% keyword ratio, but baahh its a a start. Incidentally the name of my website is absuinessonline.net which may be too vague to get hit on the top lists for google.  However I feel that promoting WA and along with providing other tools such as blogs, back links, keyword optimization may help drive organic traffic to specific sections of the website.  

I didnt want to get too personal in this section, but i wanted to make it somewhat clear that I grew up from meager beginnings, had no training, and i wanted more for myself. Its my opinion if you get too real about myself in this section people tend to judge and question credibility. 

The website...is NOWHERE near completion and lacks about everything i mentioned in this "about me" section. Im not lying, its a work in progress...so there you have it. 

 Anyone reading this, feel free to comment and let me know what you think. I threw this together so i know it could use vast improvement. I definitely  need ALL THE HELP I CAN GET. It will be much appreciated. Thanks



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