
Last Update: May 30, 2011

I dont really know what to talk about today. Im in front of my computer about to start some more work on my website and squidoo lens. There's about a billion more things I have to do and learn so i guess ill put in about 5 hours today at least. 

 This blog posts specifically is just me trying to develop a good habit.  I know i dont have enough money to do a lot of the pay per click techniques, so i have to get in the habit of writing numerous articles. Writing blogs on a daily basis will start getting me to develop positive habits that will get me to where i need to be in the next couple of years.

 Well where do you plan to be in the next couple of years you may ask. Hopefully on the fluffin beach in front of one of the beach homes i purchased, lol. No....no, really..im not joking. 

 Oh you know what..i just thought about something (totally random). Maybe I could start posting blogs about different products I like or ones i have absolutely no interest in. You know, as a means to get better about writing about products and services. That way people who happen to stop by (not really likely) can tell me if the blog sucks or is really lame.  I know a blog really isnt suppose to be scrutinized in such manner, but it only helps me get better right?

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