Action Stepping in the right direction?

Last Update: February 17, 2011

So i started this program..and yes, it is overwhelming, lol. Im doing the twelve week action plan but it seems like every other paragraph, youre taken to a new link ...or required to open new links that goes really in depth about something im not sure I should be trying to study so early on. I hope all this "in your face" information will come to me in an organized stream of data that makes since. I hope im not the only one that feels this way. IF I am, then im in a lot of trouble. Oh geez...what a fine mess ive got myself into now, heh eh 

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Labman_1 Premium
Read through once without clicking the links, go through a second time with clicking the links. Finally, go through a third time and click any links that you think you need to see again. By the time you have completed the third time you will have it internalized.
jatdebeaune Premium
Sounds about normal. Just keep going and it'll all unravel. Feels unsettling because it's new. All the best.