Lions...tigers...and websites...oh my

Last Update: February 20, 2011

AS the WORLD TURNS..........sooo ...........boredom.

Using Wordpress to create a website can be time consuming...but enjoyable. Haven't found anything that jumps out at me yet. 

 Now choosing a domain??!!!!...........WOOoohh...that was a tuffy. All the good ones are already taken, lol. Well im just winging it right now until i get the hang of things. 

One of my favorite motivational successful teachers, Mike Littman, always stated..."you dont have to get it right, you just have to get it going." I love that quote. He always talked about how people were trying to get things perfect in life and how it was keeping them from unleashing their greatness. Cheers to ya Mike. I'm committed to what i like to call "failing forward" , meaning im committed to making mistakes and learning from them. 

 (Thadius' sub-concious) blah blah blah....who cares Thadius.....where is this going......are you trying to pump yourself up because you cant do this.  Youre gonna suck.....

 *Punches Thadius sub-concious in  the mouth*

 Like I was saying....onwards and upwards

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Strauss7270 Premium
I like this blog for the reason of something you say in it which i never heard before. "you dont have to get it right, you just have to get it going." Thanks for that Thadius. Inspiration words brings you gold my friend :)
jatdebeaune Premium
That's something to always remember Thadius, "just have to get it going". Fear paralysis is a bummer.