Posts by Jatdebeaune 338
September 22, 2011
Financial Thermostat You probably already know this. We all have a financial thermostat that's just like the heating thermostat in your house. Some people program themselves to make $75,000 a year. You set your thermostat at a certain level and feel fine at that the limit. If you fall below that limit, you'll do a little more to reach it. If you exceed that limit, you'll start spending or experience some loss, or experience deals falling through because it is above the level you set. Here is a
Want to share a few thoughts with you today. Interesting time to be alive! It's no secret that we are all living through challenging times, to say the least. I don't think any of us have ever experienced these particular challenges, not even those who lived through the Great Depression. People survived the Depression and we are going to survive now. May I be so bold as to say we are going to thrive. All of us. It's up to us. And since it's ultimately up to us, I know we will be victorious. The
September 17, 2011
Are you as bothered as I am by all the offers that inundate your inbox? I spent some time this week unsubscribing to the marketers who barrage me with multiple offers a day. Offers pile in and create huge stress.  I know that most of  these marketers don't give diddly squat if there is any value at all to their offers. Probably haven't even read through the products they are offering, far less test them. Nonetheless, yours truly is afflicted with curiosity. Addicted is a better word
September 15, 2011
If you're anything like me, after 2 years, or even one year at WA, you have HUGE stacks of notes. I make detailed notes on all of Jay's WAbinars. All pure gold information and I sure don't want to lose any of it. Also, resources from fellow members, hot tips that you don't want to forget and probably will forget if you don't put them in a place you remember. Put all the "how to's" in a place where you can access them fast and efficiently. When you're building a site or working on a ca
September 13, 2011
Doing some keyword research today, and came across an unexpectedly  popular keyword.  The color "yellow" gets 2,060,000,000 searches in Google. Tested other colors, but none of them were that high. Wow! Wait a minute...Blue: 3,670,000,000                            Red: 4,810,000,000                            White: 4,650,000,000  
September 12, 2011
Are you a Trekkie? A big fan of Star Trek? I am. I like to see reruns. Things are getting a lot like Star Trek in the real world today. Wonder when we're going to be able to dematerialize and reappear in another place? Remember when Captain Kirk and Spock left the spaceship to check out the planet below. No time consuming walk down a flight of stairs. They just dematerialized.  That idea always fascinated me. Technology is growing fast. Here is an interesting article you might enjoy readi
September 12, 2011
Well, if you're a woman, then you're a well trained pleaser. If you're a man, you may also be a pleaser, but, through social conditioning,  you have wiggle room and a fighting chance of being released from that bondage. Why do I say that? Here's how we were all brought up in the US. Not sure about other parts of the world. Do you remember when you were little? We all heard this popular nursery rhyme over and over. "What are little girls's made of? Sugar and spice and everything nice
September 09, 2011
This will put your dyslexia into a catatonic fit! eonvrye taht can raed tihs rsaie yuor hnad. Cna yuo raed tihs?  Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can s
Yes, even Secretariat! Binders are little props that keep you focused, undistracted by the other horses and the roaring crowds and they keep you on purpose. You don't have to be a race horse to need blinders. Where do you think the race horses got the idea? From us humans! We're very clever sometimes. We humans recognize the need for uninterrupted focus while pursuing an objective, but our brains seem to give us amnesia from time to time for myriad reasons.  Animals seem to be naturally&n
September 05, 2011
If you want to laugh, here you go....   Happy Labor Day!