Posts by Jatdebeaune 338
June 12, 2011
Been doing some research on the next big crazy thing in technology.  Spent a little time today looking at vids in Big,  just to find out what the smart kids on the block are projecting for the future.  Was listening to Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal. He was talking about artificial intelligence and the automotive industry, specifically robotic cars. Boggles the mind. At this point in time, there are robotic cars (cars guided by robots) that can drive 200 miles across
Are you sure the course you charted will get you where you really want to go? Double check it from the start while you're still at the gate. If you intend to go to Boston,  don't follow the road map to Dallas. If you do, you'd better like southwestern climes, 'cause Dallas is where you'll be. Sometimes life takes us on a path that we didn't intend. Can be serendipitous fun, but it can also lead you where you have no intention of going. Not in a MILLION years. So, why put all the sweat, blo
June 08, 2011
Do any of you have strong opinions about AT&T U-Verse? I sure hope they are  opinions in the affirmative, haha, nervous laugh. U-Verse is coming over this morning to hook us up. Gonna take upward of 4 hours. Up until now, we have had Cablevision (Optimum), pretty good, but I hear that U-Verse is better and faster. Free competition. What can you do? "Faster" is music to my ears. So, yours truly is spending the day cleaning house. Yup, this is the "rare" day that coppe
1 comment
June 04, 2011
In most things, go on automatic if you can. I do my best work when I'm not really trying. It's very freeing to be rid of inhibition and fear. The big perk is: that's exactly when you are at your best. IM efforts will benefit by that frame of mind as well. No stress! If spontaneity is not natural for you, practice it. It's a shame that spontaneity is trained out of us in schools. We have to recapture it. So, let's be like children again. We can get it back without drugs and alcohol, by just by b
You might be interested in reading these accounts. Most people believe "quality" content and websites will ultimately win out. The problem is surviving the "meanwhile" or is it just a matter of adjusting and tweaks? Smaller websites have been hit the hardest. The crappy sites are dropping in ranking, pushing quality sites up. Many people think EZA will be back stronger than ever. Looks to me like SA is "right on" with their objectives. Yea for the home team! No one
If you're anything like me, you're tired of myths and conjecture, and you want to know the real deal on the Google change regarding unique content. Just doesn't make sense to me that an article can't be syndicated. The directories are built on that idea. Here are some links to info that should clear up some of the fog about duplicate content. &
May 30, 2011
Been thinking a lot about patterns. Why? Because everything has a pattern. Because I have been observing patterns in IM.  Fascinating industry, very dynamic because one little change from Google can change the complexion of everything in real time.  More like dealing with Jupiter or Zeus. So fast. Never before have I been involved in something that has so much transparency, is so quick, and is so contingent on another entity such as Google. Even the government doesn't work as fast as G
Do you like to comment on important blogs in your niche? Useful info: To find lists of quality do follow blogs, go to CommentLuv and KeywordLuv (blogs by niche, along with their Twitter accounts). WordPress plugin. Head over to the blogger's Twitter accounts to see who they are following. If it's only a few people, then those people are probably the leaders in your niche. Check them out. Staying organized can be a problem.  Use an RSS reader to keep a record of the blogs you follow. 
Salk on The Risky "Always seeking certainty before taking action can severely limit productivity. In some cases, the evaluation and search for certainty is more costly than a potential failure due to action." "Risks, I like to say, always pay off. You learn what to do, or what not to do." Jonas Salk (1914-1995) American biologist Developed the vaccine for polio.
May 26, 2011
WA is a candy store and I'm totally addicted. I've become addicted to IM. LOVE IT! How did that happen? I'm a technological cave woman. I have always depended on my innate horse sense and the kindness of strangers. Hah! Getting bold now and may be calling on you guys for help.   My biggest frustration is that I want to do EVERYTHING at once, frustration being that every step takes time. I suffer from perfectionism and I'm not perfect. That's the problem. To the total "newbies", c