Leading a Team - HELP

Last Update: April 25, 2012

I need to hire a team to work on my sites in the next week or so, and relized I'll have to do a lot of sending the same instructions.  Is there a way to send one document to a group of poeple through Google Circles or other web app? It would be nice if I could just creat one set or resources, upload them to a single place, and then say 'go for it'.

If this doesn't exist, there's your million dollar idea.

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Online colleges use sets of resources for entire classes, and have students set up work areas in order to collaborate, so I don't see why an internet marketer couldn't do the same. I'm not familiar with google docs, but I've used dropbox to do something similar by setting up a folder and inviting only those I want involved to use that folder.
nathaniell Premium
Do with Google Docs, do I just creat a doc, and send it out to a bunch of people by adding their email address? Or is their a feature I'm missing. Sounds kind of like a group email.

@Kyle Is 'collaboration' the name of a feature, or do you just mean that Google Docs can be used for collaboration
kyle Premium Plus
You can invite people to your document (Share) within any gdoc, therefore you can collaborate within anyone (assuming the have a google account). You can actually edit a document at the same time as someone else and carry on a live chat from within the document.

That is what I meant by it being a great collaboration tool.
TonyaWells Premium
I'm glad you posted this. I never use Google docs. I'm so used to Word. I think I'll try it out. I may like it better :)
Sielke Premium
There's a bunch of collaboration tools that companies have built. I still agree with Bigman and Kyle. Google docs is simple and does what you need. It's also free unlike many of the other programs out there.
kyle Premium Plus
I wonder how much the "freeness" has impacted MS Word. I know some people still use MS word, but I think that it is either because they are working offline lots or they don't know about Google docs. A powerful tool and can really add some efficiency to your processes.
Sielke Premium
Honestly, I hardly use Word. I use Pages on my iPad (i bought it when it came out but theres a bunch of free and better options now) and thats about all the offline writing I do. I'm sure MS Office is still doing great in terms of sales because many are just oblivious to the alternative. What really makes me love Google Docs is its simplicity. Word is going into the whole "cloud" technology but its just more accounts that I have to sign up for.
kyle Premium Plus
Word is going to cloud about 5 years behind schedule. Wonder who dropped the ball on that one. I wish gdocs had a better application for the iPad as there is nothing out there just yet that I fancy, but I am sure something is coming (perhaps an app opportunity for all you app developers out there).

Everything Google works brilliantly well on Android (I wonder why).
Bigman Premium
Use Google Documents then you can add each person by their email address, they should all have a gmail account for this to work. You give them access to whatever documents that you would like them to read.
nathaniell Premium
Hey, that was easy. I still like the drag/drop feel of the circles. It'd be great to be able to drag a desktop document to my circles and automatically share. Still, sharing your way works well too:) Thanks.
Bigman Premium
I don't use G+ for sharing that much mostly because I'm worried at who else can read it. With GDoc's it can be made more personal and I am ensured privacy as well.
kyle Premium Plus
Gdocs is excellent for document share and collaboration. One of my daily tools!