I think i got it.

Last Update: November 02, 2009

I have been having trouble finding a niche market. Especially one that i know that i can relate too. After doing some thinking and research i figured there may be people that are thinking the exact things i'm thinking about a problem that bothers me often but i guess i'm too lazy to do anything about it. And then it popped in my head. I need to find markets that people are having trouble with and need solutions to year round and that's what will make things profitable for me. With the right amount of research i know that i can easily do this. I found a product but i found the market to promote to first and i'm understanding how they think because i'm thinking like them when relating to this problem. Thanks to all those people who provided feedback and help for me through my last post. I was really getting discouraged and i appreciate you guys stepping up to give me words of wisdoms and encouragement. So will this niche be profitable? I don't know yet but i know every person in the world has struggled with it some time or another. They may have not went to the internet for the information but for those that do....I'm going to target you with my keywords and throw my product in your face!

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RodezMallory Premium
thanks i'll be sure to do that
Carson Premium Plus
Carson Premium Plus
Carson Premium Plus
slien Premium
That's the spirit!!! You go with your bad keywords. You seem to have the right attitude. Think like your customer. Get inside their head & you are bound to know how to market to them. Congrats & keep us posted on how it works for you.