now im stuck

Last Update: November 01, 2009
I've been doing lots of reading and have accomplished nothing. A lot of things are hard to understand right now and it sucks that people are offering one on one coaching but yet if you don't have the money for it upfront or at all then it's like lets part as friends. I know a lot of us on here can barely afford this program with all the bills we have right now. I'm one of those people. I have other classes that are mandatory that i have to pay for every week in the amount that i will be paying for this program every month. I guess i'll stay stuck as i don't know what to do or how to start. This is where i get depressed thinking that i failed once again and go to sleep pissed off. night
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slien Premium
I don't think you are alone. By that I mean a few things. I've been unemployed just a few days short of a year so the pocketbook is definitely strained. I joined WA because I saw it as a long-term solution. In my mind, I know it is going to take some time to see some real results but due to my circumstances I'd really love to see some quick success. I think it's pretty common to cycle through excitement and frustration when a person enters into individual endeavors. Success lies solely on your own soldiers so it's much more stressful when it takes some time to succeed. I have only been on WA for a few days myself so don't know if I can be of practical help yet but I can provide moral support. We will likely not follow the same cycles so we need to prop each other up when the others are on the bottom part of the cycle. I'm really glad you opened up to the group. A person is more likely to fail if they keep their frustrations to themselves. It looks like you've already had a few offers from more experienced people to help. I hope the onset of the weekend will help you clear your head and move into the upward part of the cycle. Let me know if there's anything I can do, although, as I said, I'm a newbie, too.
amazing1 Premium
This won't cost you a dime. What are you trying to do? What type of niche are you trying to possibly get into? Do you have knowledge regarding that niche? Can you write an article? Would you like me to help you? You are on my buddy list, and I told you I was willing to help. So do not get all pissed off and depressed. Let's do something to get you rolling. Instead of getting pissed off get focused. Hey yeah I told you that I am not new to affiliate I know there is a time period invovled in learning this and patience is totally necessary. Let me know where you are stuck, and I would be willing to do what I can. No promises but a solid try I can do. Brian.
What exactly are you stuck on? Maybe I can help. Maybe not. But I ain't charging... Yet(lol)