Just a quick tip

Last Update: October 25, 2009

 I was watching one of my favorite artist on tv today and he said something that stuck with me. It was about supply and demand. if there's a demand for it supply it. Just like with internet marketing you can do the same. For instance if i'm hungry i would like to find a taco bell or a fast food place for whatever i'm craving at that time. Same thing here in the marketing world. Yeah you can pick a program to promote but if there's no demand for it than you're not going to make any money. But what if there is a demand that you can't find a product to promote for? Well create it is my answer to that. There are a few reasonable places where you can have a product created for you for a reasonable price and then you can have them submitted to sites like clickbank and have other people selling your products while you sit back and reap the rewards. I'm really going to look more in depth because it just makes sense and it ensures that you get money and don't set yourself up for failure. Simply put Find the demand(starving crowd) and then supply it(digital or tangible goods) If you target what people are actually looking for online then you are more likely to get sales. This site is great. I've been here less than a week and i've been having all these eureka and light bulb moments. Anyhow goodnight.

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