
Last Update: November 15, 2009

Made some had a lot of downfalls still sticking with it. Unfortunately i may not be here much longer. Another death in the family has got me sad. I really don't know if i should be being that i didn't know him all that well but that's besides the point. Have already got one check not from clickbank the amount in the hundreds that's all you need to know. The best thing to do is quit talking in the forum and reading and take action from what you know and then find where you are making the mistakes and correct them. Also find what is going to be easier for you whether it's ppc, email marketing, seo or article marketing everyone is different and has a different work ethic. Still not to my 100 a day mark but i'm going to get there soon. For you guys that want to keep in touch just private message me and i'll give you my personal email and we can keep in touch that way. I know some may be like omg why are you leaving wa? Not that i want to leave but i can't really pay for something that i hardly use. That would be dumb of me great community and great people but we all find our success different ways whether it's on our own or a university like this. It's very understood that riches don't come over night but being smart and take action about certain things makes your pockets more secure it has for me. I found that some other affiliate programs are easier to use and get income from then clickbank but i want a check from like 15 different sources lol so i will be busy trying to achieve that. Anyhow, I'm going to bed. I have been up for literally 24 hours straight taking action, eating, taking action, joggin, taking action, etc.... Good night

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idm Premium
At least you're making some money right? I think in the long term WA will be worth the investment. There are plenty of potential clients for when you get around to product creation. :)

Anyway you can always come back later if you feel like it.