My first day at wa!

Last Update: October 22, 2009

This is just a quick post before i go to bed as it's 2 in the morning here in arkansas. I'm really glad that i joined this site. I'm hoping to get a lot of knowledge and get the essential steps that i need to succeed online. I just want to create a steady income from the comfort of my own home. I have a lot of time on my hands so i know the more i work the better the results will be. I'm not asking to be the next millionaire, bill gates or donald trumph. I just want to be able to wake up in the morning and know that i have money in the bank without having that feeling two years ago when i was homeless living in random peoples houses and out of my car. I was a foster kid for ten years so i never had much help after i aged out of the dhs system. I'm really hoping that i can find someone interested in helping me maybe with some one on one coaching so i know i'm taking two steps forward and not 3 steps back. And last to say i'm really hoping to find a few good close friends or maybe even a lot. I used to be the sidekick in every activity that i was associated with in the past and i learned that most of the people i was around were fake and only used me. I've been kinda a homebody ever since then. So i'm hoping i can find some friends on here and if you live close or a few hours away we can meet up and hang out. Well I think my stay here with wa is going to be a long great one. Good night.

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