
Last Update: November 10, 2009

Every one has their secrets right? Well i have found a secret that has been left out and i'm not going to expose it yet until I do my proper research on it. I think it needs to be exposed because most of us newbies are left in the dark without it. But Secrets are never to be told right? Well In my case i'll share my secret once i put it to use and see how it performs. It's not one of the copy and paste things that i see some marketers do on their blog directing to a product. That's fraud and i would be that guy to call you out on it. But since i'm not sharing my secret today all i can say is you only get out what you put in. Ponder on that one.

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RodezMallory Premium
I'll tell you when I test the method but i can tell you right now that nothing in life is free so all this free method stuff is bs in my opinion. But that's just my opinion.
idm Premium
A secret is just something you tell one person at a time right? Just kidding. You've at least generated a curiosity.