Posts by ThomasPaul 29
June 05, 2012
Well this is going to be short and sweet. Paid someone to write 5 articles for me. Time to get some sleep.
I was actually pretty productive today, productive being a relative term to myself lol... Background Story Yesterday(Tuesday morning)For whatever reason I only got about an hour or two of sleep last night. Ok it wasn't really for whatever reason. I had taken 10 days off from my day job and had gotten used to staying up late at night and sleeping in late.Although I had the 10 days off I didn't really work too much on internet marketing. Yesterday, I was wanting to put up a new landing pa
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When I got home from the mall today I checked the mail and what do you know - I had a commission check waiting for me. It wasn't a very big one $68.10 and truth be told I spent a lot more money in advertising costs than $68.10 to get that check.  It wasn't my first one, won't be my last.  Even though I'm technically in the hole getting the check  still put a smile on my face. I think I almost like getting checks in the mail versus a direct deposit to my checking
Over the past couple of days I've been debating the direction I want to go with internet marketing. For the past 3 months I have been doing paid traffic. Spent on average about $800/month.How much did I make back?Not nearly as much, lol....that's ok though. It was a learning process. I was testing out a bunch of creatives figuring out what worked what didn't work etc...but that's not the point of this post. I'm pretty happy that I spent that money on traffic instead of buying
I just got a message from streetarticles saying that my 50th article was approved.  Another small win for me! Now I think I am going to focus on submitting articles to other article directories, along with adding content to my websites. Over the weekend I wote most of the content for a small ebook that I am going to use as an incentive for people to opt-in.  Then I will work on getting a squeeze page up. Slowly but surely things are coming along. Thomas 
September 07, 2011
Over the past couple of years I have had a history of setting goals and then stopping and quitting. I signed up for the first 30 in 30 challenge at street articles.  I only wrote 15 articles.  I was actually surprised that I wrote that many, but I would still a little disappointed that I didn't reach yet another goal.  I was either browsing the forums or I got an email saying that the 30 in 30 challenge was open again and that you just had to use a different email address.  W
June 06, 2011
I went through all my subscriptions and canceled all the ones I wasn't actively using or applying.  I ended freeing up $280/month.  Now if I just learned how to cook and didn't eat out so much I would free up at least another $280/month.
February 08, 2011
So, I've been putting off going through my mail for a couple of months and it has just been building up.  Add to it a bunch of work papers from some trips to San Diego for work and you have a stack of paperwork about 4 feet high if you pile it all on top of each other.  This week I've been going through it and getting it organized.  It's been a long time coming, but I think I have finally accepted the fact that this is something I need to do.  The first thing I did to start
January 27, 2011
I've been fighting the past couple of months with staying up in the afternoon after I get home from work.  It's like the bed is calling to me.  Usually I would end up taking a nap, but  lot of times I would end up sleeping straight through  to the next morning.  I would kind of feel like I wasted that time.  At the same time even when I do stay up I have trouble falling asleep at a normal bed time 10pm and getting a good nights rest.  I've noticed that I get mu
Last night I actually took the time to go watch a movie at the movie theater.  It's really easy for me to stay at home and not go out.  It was nice to get out of the house, even though I had to force myself to do it.  I woke up at 6am this morning, and decided to do some work on IM.  I got quite a bit done.  Normally, I would fall back asleep and stay in bed until 11am avoiding doing work.  In case you're wondering, I took some vacation days from my day job, that's
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