Posts by Jatdebeaune 338
Is this good enough for XFactor?
I mean that figuratively, not literally. Not sure where I'm going with this analogy, because both things are important. There's always a practical reason for things, and an emotional reason. You eat food because you have to to stay alive. You eat food also for the sheer enjoyment. Whoops! Introspection time again. Forgive me for this, but the communicating maniac is at it again. Stream of consciousness hits at 5:00 AM. Told you I'm lucid in the morning. I find myself immersed in the world of
November 29, 2011
  Very clever. You have to play sometime. Enjoy!  
November 27, 2011
Sweet Spot? It's that one thing you would rather be doing than anything else. What is that exactly? Most of us gravitate to our sweet spot without giving it much thought. Another way of putting it is doing what comes naturally. Life sometimes gets in the way of staying in our sweet spot. We have to pay the bills. We have to tend to another's needs. Or, we have been misdirected and side-tracked all by ourselves. Sometimes we need to find ourselves, and that's okay. I know a person's "swee
I send you all blessings and best wishes for a great holiday. Time to give thanks for our many blessings, and time to appreciate each other. Also time to enjoy a good meal with family and friends. Have a good one!  See you Friday.
Thought you might be interested in reading this article by Asif Anwar. We've been hearing a lot about the future of SEO, etc. Good insights by Anwar. Have a look.  
With all the change that's taking place all over the world, how do you see things evolving? The future is now. It's taking place now. Stage is set and has been set for a long time. Not just in Internet Marketing, though IM will certainly be affected by world events, and especially by the worldwide economy. I was very interested in hearing what Canada's leading futurist had to say on many topics that we are faced with today. The futurist is Richard Worzel. I think he hits the nail on the head on
November 16, 2011
Here's why... Been doing some keyword research, trying to zero in on just the right keyword for a particular niche. First of all, I don't know what QSR to believe. Which one is accurate? Secondly, I am circumspect about buying a domain if someone else owns the .com. Feels weird to me to be an "also run" and jump on the coattails of another site. Am I being foolish? I want to stand alone and not have to worry about legal hassles down the road. I know many marketers think it is an advan
Want to share something very inspiring with you. I have massive respect for these people. USA, take a lesson.   "This is a graphic, and outstanding, example of Free Market Capitalism in action! Could we do that? We did at one time think and produce monumentally! And, we further freed Germany to return and blossom, as a political, industrial and financial power house. Note the early statement “ and labor costs are high”, but industry stayed in Germany rather than massively
That's a quote from Woody Allen. Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? We all stress too much. We build things out of proportion. Myself included. I'm the queen of complication. Why do we over complicate things? I start out overcomplicating everything and eventually save myself by finally getting  tired. If you get so tired, you want to pass out, then you're free to do things the right way. Get tired enough. That's when things start to happen. That's what folks mean when they say work smart, no