About MrStealth
Joined December 2009
Hello Everyone and Thanks For Stopping By!

My name is Chris, aka Mr. Stealth. I have made my living online for the past 6 + years and have been very successful doing so.

Last year has been rough - went from a very profitable business to just slightly below break even (Sold 20% less "stuff" than the year before at an average price 20% below the previous year - that's a 40% hit!) I sell a variety of "tangible" products - the business is entirely web-based.

The economic Downturn has really forced me to re-evaluate my business. I have re-examined everything and looking to make some major changes moving forward. I am re-investing a ton of time and money and looking for 2010 to be a breakout year for me in a number of areas - I have a few things really close to being ready and will be sharing them with WA members as soon as they are ready to go - so please keep stopping back.

The pictures are of My Wife Kristen & I with our 3 year old daughter Vanessa. Like all parents she is the love of our lives and the center of our world. I am truly blessed in so many ways and am glad to be part of the WA Community.

I am just getting acclimated to the site and learning a lot - keep an eye out as I will be sharing some thoughts, resources, tips, etc that hopefully can help you out.
MrStealth's Accomplishments

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Monika Premium
Hi Chris
Nice to see you here. Just wondering, if you have been doing IM for 6 years, do you get anything out of WA? Or did you just join for the social factor? Just wondering if this place can actually teach someone as seasoned as yourself. As you can see im only new and to me there is a lot of info i have to learn just yet.
Beautiful daughter you have.
Take care, Monika
MrStealth Premium
Hi Monika - Thanks for the note. My primary business is selling "tangible" products on the internet (About 90% of my business is actually selling products I need to ship and about 10% is currently information products) so even though it is internet based, it is not pure IM per say. It also requires me to maintain inventory, physically ship items, provide customer service, etc. With the economy as it is it is really tough. I want to transform my business from selling "tangible" products to selling 100% information based products & memberships. The WA community seems to be a community of like minded people. People who are more honest and willing to share ideas, techniques, what works, what doesn't work - for me this is saving me a lot of time and money so I do not have to re-invent the wheel. Setting everything up correctly does take time, and can be tedious, but I know the results will be worth it.

Thanks again for the note and let me know if I can help you out at all.

Chris aka Mr. Stealth

PS You have a beautiful looking family!
Mosaic Premium
Hi, Chris. Nice to meet you. WA is a great place to connect with like-minded people. Looking forward to see what you have coming. Cheers, Debbie
MrStealth Premium
Cheers to you as well Debbie/Mosaic,

Hope things are going well for you. I am working hard and can see the end in site. Lot of tedious work sometimes, but I know the results will be worth it.

Take care and let me know if I can ever help you out.

Chris D. aka Mr. Stealth
gd_babe Premium
Hey Chris,
Just read your comment on e-MarketingGuy's blog regarding supposed clickbank sales numbers. I'm getting sick of all the products and gurus who post the potential (or real??) earnings of thousands of dollars AND cents. In the beginning I thought this made it more believable than just "make $25,000!" but now I'm becoming skeptical about the amounts as I am about clickbank earnings reports. There are so many falsehoods in so many aspects of the internet marketing world that it's almost hard to believe anything anymore!
You've got a beautiful wife and daughter, there. You are blessed!
All the best, here and in your IM business.
Angie :)
MrStealth Premium
Hey Angie - thanks for the note & kind words. I agree, I think all of us can "sniff out the BS" coming from most of the stuff we see and getting turned off by this stuff.

I think the reason Jennifer (Pot Pie Girl) is so successful - she is not over-hyping, just being herself and people see that.

How are things going for you ? I am going to have some opportunities coming up to make some money if you are interested.

Anyway, thanks again for the note and good luck with everything.

Chris/Mr. Stealth