Posts by MrStealth 12
Ok, we all know that Internet marketing requires a complex set of tasks to complete in order to be effective.  These tasks arenot hard work, but much of it is tedious work.  Some of the tasks we are better at than others, and some we love to do, while others we absolutely hate doing. So, here is a solution for you to hopefully avoid a lot of frustration and be more effective:  OUTSOURCING Now I know when you are just starting out money is tight, but you would be amazed at how ine
Like most of you when I first started my internet marketing business, I wanted to make as much money as I could, as fast as I could.  I wasn't worried about the future or what it might bring So, I started promoting virtually every Affiliate program out there.  Sending all of the traffic I was bringing in to other peoples web sites for them to sell.   And I was making money.  Not getting rich, but bringing in some pretty decent income. The problem with this was, every mor
February 09, 2010
Making money on the internet takes a special mindset.   A mindset that takes a while to develop and adopt.  Fail to make the adjustment and you become just another statistic - make the adjustment and you achieve success. This adjustment is hard If you come from a traditional view of marketing and making money.  That is because Internet Marketing is a whole different animal than what you are used too - you are going to have to change or "shift" your way of looking at thin
February 09, 2010
OK Everyone, I just came across this and it is working great for me.  This is a new & interesting way to build a big list for free.  Kind of like a "chain letter"  Viral List building method. Started by Russell Brunson - has some big names already associated with it. A couple of quick things: #1 - Yes, it is free #2 - You will be asked to sign up for 5 other peoples newsletters (which you have to do to join), however, you will be able to un-subscribe immediately a
Like many of you out there I am on several of the "big time" "super affiliate" marketers mailing list(s).  Every day I receive from 5 to 10 emails touting the newest, best, different from all of the rest, have to buy today or loose out - income producing system. I know that times are tough, but the claims being made by some of these sellers often makes me laugh.   Of course the income claims are nothing new - we all take those with a grain of salt, the one that get
January 24, 2010
As I stated in my previous blog I had set an income goal of $4,500 per month from my Internet Marketing business (IMB) - the question now was how ?  And Where to start ?? I knew 1 of the componants of my IMB was going to be affiliate marketing.  Based on my goal of $4,500 I would need to earn $150 per day ($4,500/30) in order to achieve my goal.  I also knew that the affiliate programs I was likely to promote would generate between $15 and $30 each per sale. Taking my daily goal o
Greetings Everyone -  I had mentioned in an earlier post that for years I had been buying Internet Marketing courses yet never put any of the techniques I learned into reality.  I was overwhelmed with information, techniques, products, systems, etc that I literally was paralyzed - I didn't know where to start. So, what did I do ??  I decided to start and the end and work backwards! Here's what I mean.. I decided to sit down and ask myself "what kind of income would you like
I have been thinking a lot about the goals I had set for my self for 2010. I think all of the negative "news" I had seen over the past year really got to me and thus I set my goals lower than I normally would based on that, instead of setting them for what I truly want (and think I can) achieve. The local economy around where I live is not great right now - lot's of small businesses closing, people loosing their jobs.  Local & state government falling short on their budgets -
Well, I am trying to get some work done today and having absolutely no luck!!  Every time I sit down to get started - another interuption!  Argh! I have about 3 hours worth of work left on a project I have been working on all week and need/want to get this done asap!  Problem is it will require total concentration. Gonna take a little break and watch some football.  Maybe this afternoon/early evening I will get a little peace and quiet.  Don't want to have to stay up unt
OK, so last night I logged into my Clickbank account to check on some links for some products I was working on.  I decided to take a peak at my earnings report(s).  Low and behold my account indicated that a paycheck was sent out on the 6th!  Wow!  Was only for $47, but, a check is a check!  Also made 3 other sales through paypal - 1 for $16.99, 1 for $19.99 and 1 for $49.99. - all for information products so those are net income numbers.  The efforts of my work are